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July 12, 2008


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Sindra Tillman

Well, I can think of no one I'd rather be let down hard by. More.

He has such long fingers.



Thank you, Sindra. Wave your sign, please.

JJ Commoner

This brief blog essay ... a href="http://firedoglake.com/2008/07/13/there-was-a-class-war-the-rich-won-it/>"There Was A Class War. The Rich Won It." offers facts, diagrams and analysis to back up Kunstler's perspective, and what will be Obama's opportunity to address the hope he is offering.

JJ Commoner

Damn ... There">http://firedoglake.com/2008/07/13/there-was-a-class-war-the-rich-won-it/">There Was A Class War. The Rich Won It."


Thanks, JJ, so let's scapegoat the immigrants. Build a wall. Let's be gentle with the rich, because some day we will be rich.

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