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June 18, 2008


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Jay Taber

I once wrote that Americans are morally unfit for self-governance. What I meant by that was that they lack the education and respect for research that would enable them to effectively organize for political action. Cynicism does not make them stronger, nor does whining.


Agreed. We need courage, research, and we need to come together in the face of fear. We passed the tipping point, I think, and the momentum in both parties is towards concentrated power, responsive to global corporations, and those with great personal wealth. This rigged game is called "the free market." It is not a free society. Liberty is reduced in favor of corporate rapacity. Since the news organs are themselves corporate the probing coverage is zilch. That leaves us out here on our own. Linking to each other, building our our little networks, talking it up, that is the best I know how to do.

Jay Taber

Both Gerry Adams and Nelson Mandela will tell you that democracy is a discursive process. Facilitating discussion face-to-face initiates the mentoring that began online and is required for communities to begin organizing. Linking the local with regional and national leaders through conferencing is the vital next step.


I agree with your points. Have you gotten anwywhere trying to organize such a convening? What is holing it back? Lack of funding for a venue?

Jay Taber

Our network (Public Good Project) hosted national conferences of regional level researchers in 1995 and 2005. We have assisted numerous local level activists with research and analysis over the years, some of whom we never met in person, others only briefly. They could all benefit from regional gatherings they could then replicate at local ones. Discussing this as a multi-year project with Political Research Associates in Boston would be a good initial strategy. Center for New Community in Chicago could be part of that discussion. Public Good has no resources for organizing such an endeavor. (Everything we do is pro bono and out of pocket.)


I understand. Talking here and linking can't hurt, don't know if it will help either.

JJ Commoner

"Can't hurt" is key .. no reason I can think of to stop other than personal energy and the realization that if everything goes down, at least you were whimpering ;-)


Dissent is a privilege that may not surive darker times, if they come. We might as well enjoy this "right" while it it still free. Could be costly going forward.

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