As an English major turned Professional Services Provider to Private Wealth clients in Wealth Bondage, I love this stuff:
"The Moral Biography of Wealth: Philosophical Reflections on the Foundation of Philanthropy." Paul G. Schervish. Published in Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. Volume 35, No. 3, pp. 466-492. September 2006. Places the notion of a moral biography of wealth in historical context and suggests how advancement professionals can deepen their own moral biography by working to deepen the moral biography of their donors. Download Paper (PDF).
I am wondering if there might not be a double bottom line business, a kind of Vanity Press, that might pen and publish and pulp and recycle these Moral Biographies. We could market them through CITI, Bank of America, Merrill, Wachovia, Goldman, to their philanthropic private banking clients. You got a whole lot of moral heroism what could be documented if you had the time. If you provide a real Morals Tutorial to some of these clients you might sleep with the fishes. But a hardbound Moral Bio? That might sell.