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June 14, 2008


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Randy Ottinger

The ACT framework is actually not created by me but is the framework being used by YPO for its involvement in social enterprise.


Thanks, Randy. Great framework.

Jean Russell aka Nurture Girl

A good step to take, I think, toward ACT is to get foundations (and for that matter--donors) to either be heavily involved in program-related investing (SRI for donors) OR to STOP this infernal "perpetuity" stuff when the possiblity of a future AT ALL is at stake. 5% or so of worth is such a dismally small figure to be applying toward our necessary changes.

I can picture some future anthropologist from another world explaining that our entire civilization collapsed (in part) because people held up money in foundations (aka monolithic tombstones) and didn't use all the resources we had at our disposal to change what was happening to us at the time due to some ego-based notions of never-ending dribbles of changemaking.

Kudos to those thinking differently. Note in Good Capital that W.K. Kellogg is now moving into PRI.

My humble apologies for my not so humble tone...it just drives me nuts how we get in our own way.


Thanks, Jean. Good points. PRIs do seem to be the coming thing. I hope we develop best practices and self police. I have a sick feeling that PRIs will attract abuses, leading to crackdowns on what should be a good thing.

Jay Taber

Good to see you're still at it, Phil. Since we last corresponded, I've noticed a deep silence. I don't think it's fear so much as cynicism. As you might recall, I recommended investing in conferences to bring together the activists and writers that cropped up between 2003 and 2006 so some resources could be shared and connections made with those who had experience in grassroots social change. A little mentoring took place online, but discussions have died off, due I believe to that lack of connecting face-to-face. The careerists are doing fine, but they don't make change happen, no matter how well-intentioned. As they say, dependency limits strategies.


Thanks, Jay, less chatter more seriousness, I hope. Dependency limits strategies. Good saying. Yes, in any case, still at it here. Let me know if you see a connection. Might this be a fit?

Inspired legacies training

I will be there.

Jay Taber

What Makes a Network Effective?
*Organizational level - its organizational design
*Narrative level - the story being told
*Doctrinal level - the collaborative strategies and methods
*Technological level - the information systems in use
*Social level - the personal ties that assure loyalty and trust


Good points. Does financial sustainability come into it, Jay, and how to get that without dependency?

Jay Taber

My colleague Chip Berlet advocates for multiple-year unrestricted grants:

I would add that some mechanism whereby those already doing important work -- regardless of organizational affiliation -- be funded without being burdened with an application process. Perhaps Berlet could advise on such a mechanism.


Thanks, Jay. C-on-t-r-o-l is sweet. The Golden Rule: "Those who have the gold make the rules."

Jay Taber

You said it, Phil. Only problem is that the remaining embers of the pro-democracy movement in America are mostly free-lance researchers, analysts and activists unencumbered by non-profit bureaucracies. They are also mostly unfunded, which is why the right-wing has had free rein for so long. Maybe a consortium of your advisees can create a pool of funds to do something about that.

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