Catherine has posted a deep Meditation on Mission Investing.
If you find it cryptic as to her personal story, this link might help. All that has befallen her did not happen in America. It could not have. We are a free people, in a free country and a free market; one nation indivisible under God. We are a meritocracy in which the best rise. What Catherine describes is Necropolis, the land of the living dead. Unspeakable. Shadows moving in an underworld. Love, art, the seasons, neighborliness, and truth-telling, will those prevail over death-in-life? As many as the leaves of autumn are the souls on the river of death. Yet love will renew us if we dare open eyes and hearts to the shadow of horror that moves amidst our blindness, fear, and silence. Orpheus: Do not taste the seed of death, nor look back to find Eurydice.