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March 31, 2008


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The Dukes of Moral Hazard

This is all fuzzing together for me. The Miss Nude Miami and the brunette with the big degrees swishing her fine mane especially. Stacked scorecards.

I guess keeeping this stuff straight is what separates the prose from the tyros. My hat's off to you. Whatever.

Boss Hogg

Hoggs get fat... as a matter of fact, Piggs do also.


Thanks, you are indeed getting the picture. My true question is whether if we do open the conversation of philanthropy up to a different decorum (satire, humor, the Carnivalesque) will we then see things and be able to discuss things that we today cannot see, or cannot discuss? Satire has proven over the history of empires, from Rome, to Augustan England to Necon America, the best, most fitting, and most effective way to open up for discussion the actions by our superiors and peers that might otherwise be taboo to discuss. You can see in this thing about the Men in Philanthropy site, how taboos work, how they are enforced, and the awkward silences, elisions, and wounds that are left. I say, enough! Satire is strong medicine, but then again the patient, the body politic, the current state of philanthropy, deserve our best shot. Emetics, clysters, bleeding, leeches, mustard plaster, the red hot iron to raise blisters, the lancet, the trepan drill, strong stimulants - the entire ancient pharmacopia. If we happen to use laughing gas, they (the patients under our care) should thank us. In Rome they just tied the patient down, in preparation for surgery, or stuck a rag in the patient's mouth. Philanthropy needs a good a laugh, since otherwise the operation upon its Vanity and Pride would be quite painful.

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