Would philanthropy be more effective and efficient if fundraisers, advisors, and donors got naked? You could make a good case for that, really, maybe starting with King Lear whose estate plan only came together once he got naked on the heath with his Fool. As long as we are each of us dressed in our proper business attire, reflective of our official roles and status in life, it may be hard to get down to the real issues that connect us all as human beings. Anyway, doing morals consulting naked sure worked for Diogenes, a beggar in his own right, as that bowl shows. The staff was for supporting his steps, and for beating those who did not get it. The dog, naked too, lifting his leg upon the statues of the great, was a role model.
Another, Roman figure offers something of the bark of the Athenian dog. Here he attains high office:
Cato was elected praetor, but it was thought that he did not add so much majesty and dignity to the office by a good administration as he took away from it by disgracing it. For he would often go forth to his tribunal without shoes or tunic, and in such attire would preside over capital cases involving prominent men. Plut. Cato the Younger para. 44
Posted by: matrullo | March 30, 2008 at 10:35 PM
Yes, I suppose if you to be condemned to death you don't want the judge to be wearing Bermuda shorts and a t shirt.
Posted by: Phil | March 30, 2008 at 11:14 PM