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January 11, 2008


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Interesting guy. Sounds like we might agree on the ideal model for an online community.

Especially the pimps.


Among the many hidden rewards of the recent "dustup" has been my newfound awareness of the writing and perspective of Jeff Trexler. He has the 40,000-foot view of the entire endeavor.

GiftHub isn't so bad, either.


Jeff T. is in a category of one. Ask him to send you a copy, Michelle, of his article from 2002 in The Yale Law and Humanities Journal. Amazing piece of work. You would particularly enjoy the way he brings the theory of the visual arts together with the theory of community and nonprofit law.


I think I may have run across it already - about nonprofit "style?"


Yes, exactly. Interesting that you would recall it. I will too for a long time. Jeff should turn it into a book. Maybe he could win one of those genius grants, he fits the mold, that of frame-breaker.

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