Predictably then, H.R. 1955 is not about protecting homegrown Americans. That protection is only incidental to its “other purposes” of protecting homegrown corporate interest and its unconscionable manipulation of the American political process to fill its coffers. Any thought or speech or action- however protected it might be by the Bill of Rights-that threatens corporate hegemony and profit will no doubt suffer the “other purposes” clause of the Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act.
Hi Phil,
I wanted to let you know about the Nonprofit December Giving Carnival. Deadline to submit your post is Dec. 20th.
Here is the link,
Let me know if you have any questions.
Christopher S.
Posted by: Christopher Scott | December 17, 2007 at 01:36 AM
Since all of our idiots in the House have already passed this, why is it so hard to find a reference to the Senate bill that hasn't passed yet. I want to let my Senators know that they had better take whatever action that can to stop it.
Does the CIA grab each elected Congress or Senate candidate and quietly brainwash them to be compliant? What is going on here?
Posted by: Gerry | December 17, 2007 at 05:58 AM
Not much discussion in the press either. Fortress America = Freedom. Ordered liberty = Freedom. Corporate command and control = Freedom. Wealth Bondage is Freedom. If you disagree, enter the Freedom Pen and protest as much as you like. When you need to use the restroom, ask the guard.
Posted by: Phil | December 17, 2007 at 08:45 AM
Number one: I'm selling Ordered Freedom Protest Potties if anyone's interested. Straps right to your inner thigh, very discreet.
(p.s. Do not overimbibe and try to overflow the damn thing - must you people test the limits of everything??)
Posted by: Cackety Dishwitz | December 17, 2007 at 12:17 PM
Number two: It's all depends. Use your imagination.
Posted by: Cackety Dishwitz | December 17, 2007 at 12:19 PM
Porto-Freedom-Potties, sounds like a double or triple bottom line social venture, with benefits for the critize/protester, the company selling the porto-potty, and for the government. A triple win. Particularly if the Porto-Freedom-Potty firm has a sweetheart contract and makes big campaign contributions. That would probably make it a quintuple bottom line firm.
Posted by: phil | December 17, 2007 at 01:43 PM
Blogged the Potties. Excellent business opportunity for some social venture entrepreneur.
Posted by: phil | December 17, 2007 at 02:23 PM
I too have been searching NY Times and Washington Post every day for HR 1955 and have come up with nothing found on both papers. At first I puzzled but now I am angry. Both these papers are blacking out these reports. The blogs are alive with active reports every day on the developments around HR 1955 and now the Senate version. So here we have the very thing that couldn't happen in America-the Main Stream Media blocking an important story-and the Blogs providing excellent coverage. Of course, HR 1955 specifically targets the Internet as a venue for terrorist thought. The internet has been killing the Main Stream Media for years so that explains their blackout, to my mind. Everyone interested in keeping freedom should be up in arms and planning a way to beat back this attack on basic freedom. We have to start now and move quickly. s/ hank330 henry b stevens
Posted by: Henry B Stevens | December 18, 2007 at 07:43 AM
Corporate America is not about to defend democracy. The sad thing is that philanthropic sector is doing so little. What is the position at Soros's Open Society Institute? ACLU is active. Code Pink. Not a lot moving.
Posted by: Phil | December 18, 2007 at 09:55 AM