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December 28, 2007


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robert guinto

Credit Unions are nonprofits and owned by their members. These organizations, while functioning as banks, are not making business decisions to maximize investors’ returns. They are making business decisions to maximize their ability to serve their members.

Micro-lending by banks is a profitable area. It is even more profitable overseas. The interest being charged approaches in many cases 80% plus with fees. Micro-lending is projected as an option to help out individuals who are motivated to break out of poverty.

Credit Unions should get into the field and make a difference for many people and provide more reasonable rates. The nonprofit community is especially use to many of its employees sending money to their overseas family members. The nonprofit community knows what it takes to make a difference with those in poverty looking to start small businesses or buying an item. Many individuals in poverty pay cash and do not carry credit cards. Credit history is their word and reputation. Today, traditional banks have lost the “know your neighbor” banking.

Credit Unions are the institutions closest to the true meaning of community banking.

Should Nonprofits Assistance fund provide a forum for such a program direction.

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