One and a half million U.S. households are preparing to move out of the U.S. The vast majority of émigrés are in their 20s, 30s, and 40s. And some may not ever return.
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Now admitedly, San Francisco where I live, is not like much of the rest of the country. However, I hear stories all the time about people who have either left, are leaving or would like to leave (as well as some who would like to come back). Most site the political climate, though economics are often mentioned too.
In fact, I spent Thanksgiving with a recently retired Dean of a major university who was showing off photos his new Baja condo where he, his wife and a 1000 of other ex-pats are buying into a brand new "gated green living" community being built on 5,000 coastal acres.
Another group I know bought half an island in a remote corner of the Philippines. Best part of this story is they are all circus performers. Photos on their website make it look like a cross between Burning Man and Gilligan's Island.
Like I said, San Francisco isn't like the rest of the country. Though if too many more people leave, it might become more like it than not :-).
Posted by: Gayle | December 29, 2007 at 02:35 AM
Canada has drawn a number of my friends. The Statue of Liberty has been replaced an the American Symbol by a Wall on the Border and Guantanimo. We see our country in Wealth Bondage, our politicians on short leashes. Our children dying of lead poisoning as the head of the FDA sings from the corporate song book. The Constitution is treated as just another Text to be deconstructed in the name of power. We see surveillance in the spirit of Hoover, and the old excuses (Reds under the bed) replaced by new ones (Terror). We can see through the game but we can't change it. And we know that speaking out may soon be dangerous. First Freedom Pens for protesters, then what? A plunging dollar devaluing our assets and our savings. Do we stay to fight for the soul of our country, as we are denounced as un-American by Fox News, the Think Tanks, and the Rapture Ready, or do we admit that nothing can be done, and get out while we can. On the positive side, there has never been a better time to be a satirist in America. The targets are everywhere.
Posted by: Phil | December 29, 2007 at 09:04 AM