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November 30, 2007


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Hager if Hager was not Kind

Leave it to JJ to sniff out the money quote. (How would he know what a money quote IS, have you asked yourself that? My mother thinks it's what you ask a contractor for.) God bless you, JJ, sincerely. You're going to need it.


I only know what I read in the philanthropy blogs.

the LOVE you MAKE

"We both get something we want -- where's the negative?"

"It's not love, obviously. I didn't come here looking for a husband."


JJ Commoner

"It's a social arrangement. I buy him a nice shirt and we go out for dinner. For as long as he stays with me he doesn't pay for anything, and I get what I want -- a good time. How is that different from a man buying a young girl dinner?"

It's subversive, dammit. Rich (mostly white men) having mistresses or younger trophy girlfriends / wives is about power. You're not supposed to demonstrate to them that others can do THAT, too !


"Preying on poverty" is a phrase used in the article. Free choice all over the world. People doing deals. You can make a market in most anything. And every market clears at a price. You could call that Freedom or you could call it Wealth Bond*age. I wonder if any of the young men in the article are giving their earning to charity. That would make the whole things a lot less sordid. Maybe we need a "Red" campaign for prostitutes. 10% of every purchase goes to a charity of your choice.

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