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November 14, 2007


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"It may not take a village to raise a child, but it takes a social class to raise a noblemen or noblewoman."

You can't raise a nobleman. Nobility is not a property of a person. You can't *be* noble, you can only affirm the noble via observation and judgment. Nobility, taught wrongly, inculcates coercive formations of judgments which impersonate being. Or something like that. What do I know?


Nobility is a pedigree, a blood line, transmitted by DNA, and "breeding." Now that we have Dynastic Wealth we have a class set apart of lifelong potential idlers. Some will turn, like G.W. Bush to public service, some like Conrad Black to business, some like Miss Proctor to nothing much at all, but they will not be people struggling within a system, they will be able to fly above it. When the floods come the jets will ferry them to safety. Some will also become writers and thinkers and artists like Karl Kraus and Wittgenstein. How we create a productive class of people who do not have to work? What education is appropriate for that class? Historically, in British and Wasp circles, it was the liberal arts, with a lot of Latin required.

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