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November 30, 2007


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Avery Mann

For a small fee I can guide you to the photo essay.


Photo essay? For real?

Antoine Möeller

This would be a good math "story problem" for adolescent boys.

How much would one hour cost in dollars?
In reputation?

Stories should be motivating.


If you make a little at it they call you a prostitute, if you make a lot they call you the ruler of the world. That is the advice Candidia has always given me. The big successful prostitutes look down on the less successful ones. But you can't get ahead as a servant of wealth if you are too punctilious about what you will do or won't do for money.

Karen Jones

I guess that hits that whole 'grey' area like ethical investing. Where do you draw the line?


Depends what the client pays, really. Beyond a certain point is inappropriate to speak in terms that might be considered disrespectful of the transaction."Prostitution" is an offensive word. As Emperior Vespassian said of the toilet tax, "Money has no smell." I have never known a wealthy person whose money I did not like.


Karen, I think we have to assume that the bona fides of wealthy people are beyond question or caveat. We are not the ethics police. I would advise you to maintain a tone of upbeat interest, and not ask too many hard questions. Draw the line well shy of getting sideways with those whose favor you must curry. As Melisa Berman said in your interview with her, our role is "introduce the feel good factor of philanthropy."

Well, you know something? This field really could use a legitimate Morals Tutor, wish I could claim to be that honest. Me I am just in it for the money and the upper crusty women. Maybe we can get The Happy Tutor to come out of retirement.

Jack Clack

Seems like a good cooze.

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