Mark Jones is the CEO of The Integral Wellness Group. His full bio is at the end of the attached 11 page pdf on the HSL ("Hizzle") Practice a commonsense, but profound practice for converting hate to love. Per the Dailai Lama, "People want to be heard, seen, and loved in that order."
I recently attended a gathering where Mark extemporized the "HSL" practice for us. In a few minutes he transformed our group dynamic, as we all made the effort to hear, see, and love one another. This may sound touchy feely to some, so let me add that Mark is black and in his pdf you will read how he used the Hizzle practice to save his own life when confronted by skinheads in a park in New Orleans. That story ended in love, not death.
We need this Hizzle practice in our world so riven by frames that set us against one another, Red, Blue, Black, White, with walls being built on the borders, and wars of civilization. Hateful frames are created and focused group tested by think tank thinkers and consultants who are paid the price of Judas. But, then, I should hear, see, and love even the most sold out think tank thinker. They too are human, as was Goebbels, who probably turned out the way he did because he had a club foot.
In any case, Mark's practice is profound. I have a long way to go before I can approach his wisdom and virtue in practice. When I hear lies in high places, lies backed by force dealing death, my mind still closes, my fist still clenches, and I seek victory rather than mutual understanding and love. I would rather be victorious and alive than win in a spiritual way through an exemplary death. Mark is right, as was Martin Luther King, Gandhi, and Jesus, as are the monks in Tibet facing Chinese force. If only their words could be heard. If only we could see them, love them, and follow them in risking the ultimate price.
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