"We are agreed, then," The Happy Tutor said to us, as aspiring Morals Tutors, clustered around his Dumpster to hear the World Famous Sage speak of our noble trade in service to Wealth. "We are agreed, then, that the body can be healthy or diseased?" We all nodded our heads in agreement, though we all knew that Tutor was setting us up somehow. Still, how could we deny such an obvious truth? "We are also agreed, then," continued the Sage Dungeon Master to the Stars in Wealth Bond*age, "that the mind too can be diseased? Is it not for this very reason that Pharmaceutical Companies sell, and Physicians prescribe, a vast variety of drugs for the purpose of instilling mental health, or palliating mental diseases, such as ADD, depression, shyness, stage fright, low self-esteem, and the like? And is this not a multi-billion dollar industry key to America's economic prosperity, as well as the mental health of our fellow citizens?" Not one of us could deny such obvious truths. Who has not seen ads on television and in magazines for drugs that improve mental health? Who has not seen the colossal profit figures? "Then," said he Tutor with that damn sadistic smile of his, the smile he uses when he introduces his lancet into the bound body of one of his so-called "nonconsensual morals patients," can we not also agree that the human soul may be morally disordered?" We could immediately see, each and every one of us, where Tutor was taking this - and we bucked and rebelled and stamped our feet angrily. For we are Wise Men and Women, Hommes and Femmes De Confiance in Training, who know that preferences or values are Subjective Consumer Choices. Tutor is trying to get us to think that we as Trusted Advisors are Physicians to our Client's Morally Disordered Souls, rather than technicians helping them achieve their goals no matter how sick. We all realized that a) Tutor is probably right and b) that it is more than an Advisor's life is worth to contradict a Candidia Cruikshanks, or other rich and powerful client, much less presume to diagnose them as morally insane or sick, much less to apply the corrective purgative, or lancet, or lash. "And," sayeth our Tutor, his eyes shining with malevolent glee, as he noted our discomfiture, "may we not also agree that as a Physician would quarantine a mortally ill and contagious patient, and as a Mental Health Professional might capture and constrain in, say, a straight jacket the client who is mentally ill and who is a danger to herself and others, so likewise must we not as Morals Tutors, or Good Physicians, to the client's Soul use whatever force is needed to keep the disease from spreading, first to family members and then to the body politic at large?" By now, my fellow Morals Tutor Trainees were shuffling our feet and making faces at one another, trying to cover our chagrin with uneasy laughter. Even Sean who is usually so polite, was smirking. Whether Tutor is right or wrong, who knows, the fact is that what he preaches would be Career Suicide for those of us who live in Wealth Bond*age in service to the powers that be. You don't mess with these wealthy clients. They are used to getting exactly what they want, when they want it. If you don't give it to them, someone else will. There is no telling what might set them off or what they might do or have done to you, if you tick them off. I would rather be a morally sick man with morally diseased clients, and make a good living flattering them, and passing their Family Values on to others, no matter how sick those values are, and whatever the implications might be for the health of our society, than join The Happy Tutor in living a life of Wisdom and Virtue, naked in a Dumpster, spurned by all who pass, and always at risk of incarceration or assassination, by the powerful people he has tormented for their own good, and for the good of America, be that as it may.
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