Susan Davis provides her successful recipe. Following that recipe it might be possibe to create a tipping point network, consisting of donors, advisors, and nonprofits in a given community. That community might be place-based or issue-based or identity-based. The key would be that those in that network would want to found something from which each and all could benefit. A logical convener might be a community foundation, either a local one, or a national one like Tides. Another possible convener for a progressive tipping point network might be Inspired Legacies and/or Rockwood Leadership Program. The test of success would not be "Was it a good program?" But, did the network come to life, did money move, were donors well served and energized, did some donors emerge as leaders, were the personal plans and the networks of the network leaders activated, did the good word and best practices spread via word of mouth and referrals? As per Susan Davis's recipe, much of that is indeed measurable.
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