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October 22, 2007


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What does that mean to 'professionalize' grantmaking? What and who distinguishes it from 'amateur' and what kind of 'frame' exists that 'frames' the current stage as 'amateur'. - I understand whores are professional sex providers, undoubtedly they start as amateurs. What was it that 'professinalized' what they do as 'amateurs' and distinguished them ... do we not portray them in cultured 'those who long to be loved for who they are and no only for they provide with their bodies'....

Since you started talking about 'professionalizing' grantmaking, how would pimps look in this industry?


The Happy Tutor is a pimp as well as a direct provider. He has much to say about the field, as you know.

An amateur in foundation work might be a college president who gets hired to run a big foundation, with no knowledge of the issue areas the foundation addresses, or the CEO might be a former congressman. A professional might be an advanced degree in the craft of grantmaking, how to make good grants, how to measure their effectiveness.

Since I am not in the grantmaking field my understanding comes from reading Albert Ruesga at White Courtesy Telephone, and reading Joel, and other books about the field.

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