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September 10, 2007


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More Ado About Nothing

Jay Rosen tacks ot down pretty well.

I knew that Charlie Savage had gotten to the heart of the matter in the first couple of paragraphs.

jay's post and Charlie's combined is the kind of thing that Brit Hume ought to read out loud, slowly, on Faux News in a segment titled "How We Got Into Leading The World To Democracy", or something.

It is vitally important to speak out clearly about undoing and remediating .. who do you think will take up that challenge (other than pesky, anarchic bloggers. almost all of whom talk and laugh too loud and irritate the help) ?

More Ado About Nothing

... as in " apparently you missed most of the interviews done over there ... imagine you got your information from a blog somewhere"

CBS News Gets Snippy when Fact Checked

I wonder what Andrew Keen might say ? Those pros do know what they're doing, after all.


They know what they are doing, for sure, and making trouble is not part of it.

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