To the far right you will now notice Candy's Column, courtesy of our Corporate Sponsor, Wealth Bondage. In return for renewing our funding for 2008, Candidia Cruikshanks, CEO of Wealth Bondage, asked for a column in which she and her Senior Fellows can comment on Philanthropy and Civic Comity, as her way of giving back to humankind. At first I hesitated to oblige. Candy's diction, salted as it often is with Anglo-Saxon expletives, is not always what I would prefer, in a family-oriented site devoted to giving. But I suppose if you are one of the most successful people in the universe you can pretty well say whatever you want, however you want. In any case, when I refused to give Candy her column she said, "Look, Jackass, unless you give me that Column and kiss my boots, I will not only cut off your funding, I will cut off your nuts and chop them in a blender." Needless to say, I was unmoved by such threats, but upon deeper consideration I thought it was only fair to honor my funder's respectful request. If you find the whole subject of Wealth Bondage distasteful, I suggest you simply ignore the third column to your right. What we don't see can't hurt us. Consider the frame itself to be invisible and every thing should seem perfectly normal. I did not kiss her boots. I merely nuzzled them. My self respect and editorial independence are intact.
I'm surprised Candy would hang out at such a sophisticated blog. Is she bored? testing a new product line? extending the concept of dynastic wealth to the colonization of other planets?
Posted by: Albert Ruesga | September 10, 2007 at 09:08 PM
She is giving back to society, Albert, through a social venture. Doing well by doing us good.
Posted by: Phil | September 10, 2007 at 09:25 PM
Chadwallah's in fine form tonight. He'll be quoting Roman Ingarden next -- "the reader completes the text" blah blah.
Posted by: Albert | September 10, 2007 at 10:10 PM
Very, very clever. The puppeteer and puppet(s) on stage together.
Posted by: Sean Stannard-Stockton | September 10, 2007 at 10:35 PM
Charlie McCarthy and Edgar Bergen, long ago: The Dummy giving the Ventriloquist a hard time. The Ventriloquist observing all the conventions of polite 1950's discourse (preserved today in the style of philanthropy conversation) while Charlie mouthed off. To be taken seriously in social change philanthropy we must observe the rules that preserve the status quo. A sock puppet is under no such obligation.
Posted by: Phil | September 11, 2007 at 08:16 AM