To set the record straight, no, Dr. Chadwallah, I am not looking for a job with Porter Novelli: Many Minds Singular Results(tm) on their Crisis & Issues Team. Nor, for that matter, despite your scurrilous innuendos, Dr., am I running some kind of shake down operation here. I disdain filthy lucre! My purse may be empty, but my reputation is my treasure house full to bursting with gold not of this world. You would do well to honor my noble trade and forgo these slurs upon an honorable man who has devoted his entire adult life to serving others. My goal is to advance philanthropy by providing Morals Tutorials and Values-Based Planning for wealthy, public-spirited people, for the good of all. To the extent Porter Novelli might want to put me in charge of their Corporate Foundation, say, we might have the basis for an arrangement, as long as I could still Coach Mr. Dokken and his peers pro bono publico on the side as my way off giving back to society. From Good to Great, in Pursuit of Excellence - even the best get better with proper instruction and some external discipline. I am driven to see The Wealthy of the World be the best they can be morally speaking. Each wealthy client is precious to me as a human being, and frail human soul, whose salvation hangs in the balance like a spider suspended by the hand of an angry God over a burning pit by a single thread. Money has never been that big a motivator for me, though I accept gifts graciously on a pay it forward basis so that I might continue my work in the Mission Fields where I am called to serve Persons of Wealth. I would never ask for money from a Morals Tutorial Client until we had achieved measurable results, which can take years, even with a cooperative client who candidly confesses his improvement opportunities upfront. First, comes Benchmarks. Painful but necessary. Nobody ever said Moral Improvement comes easy. If it was easy everyone would do it. But the journey of a million miles starts with a single step. Moral improvement is tough, but when things get tough, the tough get going. Engaging an experienced Morals Tutor such as myself is often a good move. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Let's get it off on the right foot by making a clean breast of it all. Right here. Right now.