K! is a Crazy Polish Friend who has lived under tyranny and now Freedom and finds them much the same, in their surveillance, emotional deadness, fearfulness, contempt for civil liberties, and robotic deference to constipated authority. His words are from a comment, believe it or not, on a post about Bill Clinton's book, Giving.
Our sense of goodness and ultimately our sense of justice is to be supported by giving, by the gift of giving itself. We hunger for giving, the Justice we want is to be being giving and be being in the presence of giving. Without that we can only spy and collect data. (reminds me of Tom Matrullo's saying that in the near future there will be many things that will know about us but nobody who will give a damn about who we are)
I am fortunate in having a few readers who are not Free in the accepted sense, but simply not yet caught, tried, and incarcerated for being truly free. May K! continue to evade the humorless authorities (on all things), whether here or in Europe. Go, Trickster, go.