In May, I received a press release about Ameya Preserve, A Private Luxury Montana Housing Community Where Nature Meets Culture, funded by Wade Dokken, former CEO of American Skandia:
Dear Phillip
I do the public relations for the Ameya Preserve and thought you might be interested in the below story. First time real estate developer puts it on the line. Wade Dokken has always believed in the philosophy of using private capital for public good....
George Medici VP, National Media Relations, Porter Novelli 450 Lexington Avenue New York, NY 10017
Ever since then, the comments on that post, and a related one, have served as a repository of venom directed against Wade and Ameya Preserve; today another such comment came in. I do wish the public relations firm who contacted me asking me to post on Ameya Preserve would leap into the comments section here with their perspective. In fact it would be nice if the head man, Wade Dokken did. This kind of open forum about social ventures, wealth, philanthropy, nature, public relations and culture (the raw and the cooked), can be illuminating if it becomes a true conversation.
I can imagine the post and comments being taught as a case study in
PR-University. How does one handle a PR situation that your own firm created
by sending an upbeat press release deep into Bloggerville? Having
gotten Wade Dokken into this, I hope Porter Novelli: Many Minds Singular Results can
get him out, assuming they have managed to retain the Dokken account. A PR Firm should presumably leave a client's public image no worse than they found it, even if they have to work pro bono after the fact to get back to somewhere close to even. At least I would, but it is not my profession. If I was Porter Novelli, I would put a SWAT team in the Comment Section of Gift Hub ASAP. We accept anonymous comments and comments performed in masquerade. At least put an intern on this, would be my suggestion. I would go for a recent Ivy League Graduate with good internet skills, and a sense of humor.
I am happy to assist in keeping the conversation going, so all sides
can be heard, in. In return, I would not mind a charitable donation to Gift
Hub by Wade Dokken, or to the Wealth Bondage Foundation for Human
Excellence if he prefers. One hand washes the other, and so we all stay
clean. Wade is not the only Entrepreneur here with a Double Bottom Line, you know. I have to pay some bills around here. Moral superiority is not what it used to be, when it comes to making a buck. So I am flexible and realistic as I face old age, penniless, but still game.
Actually, come to think of it, I would be flattered if asked to serve at Ameya as one of its Geniuses in Residence. I could, as an amenity to the distinguished guests, teach Philanthropy, or do a Workshop on Family Values, or How to Pass on Your Family Dynasty for One Thousand Years. I could do Morals Coaching over cocktails sometime, with a good view of the mountains, and venison canapes. I could also teach team building classes for the hired help. I do a good one on Partnering with the Wealthy for Inspired Outcomes without Getting Your Brains Beat Out for Insubordination. Or, I do a good one too on The Tradition of Augustan Satire from Horace to The Happy Tutor. I used to do that one at Yale, sort of, so it should be pretty acceptable in an upscale social context among very smart and successful people who went to college back in the day, whatever subject they may have studied. As Swift said, "Give me a penny and I will sing you a song, but give me the penny first."
Even absent any quid pro quo, I am happy to provide a forum for Wade Dokken and his spokespersons. I have not received any more press releases on the subject but am happy to post them when and if they do come in.
Likewise if there are legal issues or attorneys for Wade who would
like to weigh in, I am happy to post those thoughts too. Likewise, if
attorneys take the position that this whole conversation is somehow not appropriate
and should be canned, lest legal action be taken against Gifthub, or me
personally, or my patron, Candidia Cruikshanks, for interference in the
Free Market, or for Brand Dilution, Lese Majeste, Injury to a Minor, The Unlicensed Practice of the Liberal Arts, Publication of a Press Release, Conduct Unbecoming a Loser, Creation of an Attractive Nuisance, or Satire in a Public Place, or whatever else, I will fold under
pressure quickly. I am not looking for any trouble here. This whole
deal is not my fight. I am just trying to run an open forum, around the
Dumpster, in the alley out behind Wealth Bondage while we still have
time, and the culture has a little slack yet. Call it my contribution to the Public Good. As I say, the comment section is open and my hand is out, palm up, extended in friendship and in deference.
Partnering with the Wealthy for Inspired Outcomes without Getting Your Brains Beat Out for Insubordination
A laugh ↑ and a ponder ↓
The raw and the cooked
Guess I should meditate on clothing next. Thanks. :-)
Posted by: bUM fREE | October 20, 2007 at 09:16 PM
If you are here to collect the garbage, it is out back.
Posted by: Phil | October 20, 2007 at 09:47 PM
wade Dokken was arrested for shop lifting when he was a teenager and boasts to have had the record sealed.............
Posted by: jax | December 19, 2009 at 09:40 AM
Any link or evidence? Teenager is a long time ago for Wade.
Posted by: Phil Cubeta | December 19, 2009 at 10:53 AM
Who wasn't arrested for shoplifting as a teenager?
Posted by: Remembrance of Blings Past | December 19, 2009 at 09:49 PM
or for loitering with intent.
Posted by: Phil Cubeta | December 20, 2009 at 08:29 PM