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August 08, 2007


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Bad link(s)?

Un Autre Singe

You may remember some conversation over at that other place about Pogacnik, the Slovenian castle and IDRIART, the holy zero point and productive resignation oh maybe a year or so ago ?

Antoine Möeller

What other place? Do you have proof that it actually exists? There is a bad smell but there has always been a bad smell. What else ya got?


There is no "other place." There is only here, the real world, where things are going quite well. Best not to mention the unmnentionable in polite company.


Ahf uck. On the off chance someone actually *reads* this manure, here are the good links. Why not? Idriart isn't an "other" place -- well, it is, but it doesn't stink as much:

His gift is the ability to harness The Arts for the benefit of business.

At this site is a video of Pogacnik at work. (Robert Redford and Vaclav Havel endorse, and in that order, I think.)

His fee is also approximated there. He ain't cheap. Or maybe he is. Depend on who's paying, I guess.

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