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August 06, 2007


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A few supplemental links:

"class envy"

"not everybody can be Ted Turner"

Irritating Websites

Class Envy

New Centurion, Nude Eel

Amazon profile

"Party on, Wade"

Dokken spoke of Ameya as an alternative to the classic second home golf community. But from where I sit it looks like something else. It is the ultimate sign that food has truly become a part of America's cultural life. These days when wealthy people go looking for the good life, they want it to be filled with art and nature. They want it to do no harm to the environment. And they want it to taste good. &%&^^


Thanks, Tom, a fine set of links.


did you guys see this?


is the argument against Dokken and Ameya simply just "no development is the only kind of development"? I'm trying to learn here, but the linked article has several experts, albeit on the Ameya payroll, that say this development is better than most.

Is it an outsiders issue? or just unfair, utopian marketing?


I am not an expert on the Ameya Preserve. Seems you have a cultural clash between big money people moving in and the established community and its ecosystem. I am not in a position to sort out the merits of the controversy.


I can only imagine the revised marketing material:

"Come to Montana, Big Sky Country, with its historic tradition of independent, hard-working ranchers. All of whom are actually stupid, lazy, unambitious fools bad at managing money. Oh, and they hate you for some reason. We can't quite figure out why."


Class warfare is so one sided. When the rich lose their temper they can be quite brutal. Dokken should have let his Porter Novelli representative script his rejoinder to the farmers. They could have presented him as a rube himself.

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