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July 31, 2007


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Evonne Heyning

Every social network seems to take on the nature of its participants, almost as if the tribes take on collective personalities of their own. Omidyar Network is led by a handful of brilliant and often soft-spoken leaders who look for ideas on the tipping point and give that nudge to grow on.

For years we've joked of ONet (the public discussion space now closing) as a secret superhero training school with power rings, missions and fruitful ideaswapping on better world building plans. The close of ONet came as a shock to many who had invested thousands of hours in developing bonds in that community.

It's greatest value for me personally has been as a platform for collaboration with likeminded leaders. Without the ONet public threads those who are interested in these topics will continue to clump together in other tribes and circles....finishing superhero training school and heading back into the night. Ning, Razoo, Change.org, Facebook and GiftHub will grow to fill the void for interaction and innovation, but I have seen no other network that can fill the void of peer leadership training that Omidyar Network quietly provided for hundreds of grassroots organizers and project leaders.


Thank you, Evonne, for the thoughtful comment and all you did for the tribe at O.net. You are right, I don't see any other place right now for the kind of autocatalytic community that O.net became.

Dan Bassill

The greatest value of Omidyar net for me was that it enabled me to meet and introduce myself to many people that I would not have otherwise met. We need high profile magnets Omidyar to create these networking opportunities.


Networking opportunities with potential volunteers and supporters - check.

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