Holden hosts a Giving Carnival in which participants are asked to say what moves them most to give and why. The world I want is one in which each person is treated as a means, not an end. Each person is treated as precious, as a human being or soul. Each person is able and willing to interact in adulthood as a citizen among citizens, not just as a consumer or producer or salesperson. Each citizen passionately pursues his or her vision of the good, while honoring others for doing the same. The world I want is held open by a Constitution to which all adhere, in which all have within broad limits, the right to pursue their own concept of the good, their own happiness, even if others find it distasteful. What stands in the way of this vision are economic disparities, educational deficits, a mentality that those who are dupes deserve to be duped, those who are weak deserve to be exploited, and the to the victor go the spoils. What also threatens the world I want is fear. Those who are afraid may trade the safety of a security state for the freedoms and liberties of open society.
How to advance the world I want?
- Blog as a peer among peers.
- Volunteer for grassroots organizations devoted to citizen engagement or social justice.
- Promote giving and giving circles.
- Speak out against (dispute and satirize) conceptual systems that provide alibis for those committed to a winner take all approach.
- Honor in others their gifts, even if the giver has a vision or values quite at odds with my own.
- Trust that in helping others bring their gifts to fruition I help advance the world I want too, since the world I want is open, tolerant, and pluralist.
- Speak out against the erosion of Constitutional rules, rights, and protections.
- In the spirit of "serio ludere" (serious fun) lighten fear with frolic and so defeat the enemies of open society at home and abroad who would terrify that they might subjugate.