It appears that Conrad Black is on leave from the Board at Hudson Institute.
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To Whom it May Concern
Gifthub is an immortal work of art in theMenippean Tradition,written in a Padded Cell (he calls it a Dumpster for obvious reasons) in a state of shock by Phil Cubeta, Morals Tutor to America's Wealthiest Families, under an alias, or alter ego, The Happy Tutor, Dungeon Master to the Stars in Wealth Bondage...... More....
Email Phil Cubeta, Morals Tutor to America's Wealthiest Families.
Join the Charity Masquerade Ball.Or, just come as you are.
I belive God is love,mercey and greace is extended towards Conrad Black, all we have to do is pray that jesus would reveal himself to him in this critical time of his life
Posted by: Hagere Bachore | July 15, 2007 at 05:44 PM
I join you in your prayers for the salvation of Conrad Black's soul. Christ was crucified between two thieves. One was save, one damned. May Conrad repent.
Posted by: Phil | July 15, 2007 at 06:21 PM
By the way, Hager, "greace" is spelled "grease." Or did you mean "grace"?
Posted by: Phil | July 15, 2007 at 06:22 PM
I'd rather some grease be extended toward Conrad first.
I wonder if they'll keep the "on leave" notice up at the Hudson website for twenty years.
Posted by: Stuart Johnson | July 15, 2007 at 09:17 PM
Maybe in a few years it will change to, "On Parole."
Posted by: Phil | July 15, 2007 at 10:25 PM
I suppose if Conrad mentioned Hudson in his well, as his Lasting Legacy, it might be wise to cut him some slack.
Posted by: Phil | July 15, 2007 at 10:26 PM
It is typing error it is GRACE the unmeritted undeserved and unearned favor of GOD towards all human. including Conrad Black the bible says WHRE SIN ABOUND GRACE IS MORE ABOUND.
Posted by: Hagere | August 06, 2007 at 08:35 PM
Thanks, Hagere. I agree. We are all sinners.
Posted by: Phil | August 06, 2007 at 09:47 PM
Sinners Saved by the GRACE of God ( by (unmeritted, unearned, undeserved favor GOD) for further information at your convinience why don't you go visit and enjoy teachings on the gospel of God's GRACE
God loves every one including Conrad Black
Posted by: Hagere | August 07, 2007 at 08:31 PM
Yup. I do enjoy the teachings of Jesus, and am appreciative of grace. I do hope Conrad Black is touched by grace, confesses his sins publicly, feel contrition, makes restitution, and sins no more. That will be a cause for celebration. May your life be touched by the grace and the conviction of sin, Hagere. If you are moved to confess your own failings, take instruction, and live a better life, I am always available for that purpose if your net worth is $10 million or more. I find that reforming high net worth, well connected, and highly influential sinners like Black is more highly leveraged in terms of social impact than reforming the average morally confused nobody. We all must do the work to which we are called. I appreciate your reminder that even Conrad Black is a child of God. He would be an ideal candidate for sermons perhaps your own piped into his cell for the next 50 years night and day.
Posted by: Phil | August 07, 2007 at 08:41 PM
The Bible says God so loved the world he gave his only begotten SON ( Jeusus)
whosoever, ( includes Conrad Black) belives in him will not perish will have an everlasting life. I Don't belive Conrad Black is a child of God but... he will be
The Grace of God appeared to all men including to Mr Black
in your convinience you may want to visit and enjoy the Grace message
Posted by: Hagere | August 07, 2007 at 09:53 PM
I am doing God's work as best I can, Hagere. How did you first get interested in Conrad Black's salvation, in particular? I mean there are millions of blogs and billions of sinners, why me, why this blog, why Conrad Black? I got the message. Could you maybe move the next blog in line and give them the same opportunity to view these sites?
Posted by: Phil | August 07, 2007 at 10:04 PM
Hagere, could you maybe contact Conrad Black directly to give him these links? Try him care of Hudson Institute.
Posted by: Phil | August 07, 2007 at 10:06 PM
I thought it is an open forum where every one's view and Ideas are expressed. any way, sorry, for the disturbance I sure will contact Mr Black directly NO Problem
Good bye.
Posted by: Hagere | August 08, 2007 at 08:50 PM
You are always welcome here, Hagere. I take it that your point is that once a person is convicted of major crimes we ought not to draw attention to it, even if they are a public figure. We should love them in a Christian way. I agree. But like the great preacher, Jonathan Swift, I believe we also have a duty to satirize those who betray a public trust, lest that corruption spread. Sermon and Satire, birth twins, I believe. I beat them and bless them, as I was taught by my mentor, the Happy Tutor. The spankings are interspersed with lectures, Biblical quotations, poems, and admonitions. It is through this kind of tough love that we can reform the ruling class as well as help them save their immortal souls.
Posted by: Phil | August 08, 2007 at 08:57 PM
who cares
Posted by: Hagere | September 03, 2007 at 09:00 PM
God cares. He loves you. I love you. He forgives. I forgive. Hagere, let us kneel and pray together for your Salvation, mine, and that of Conrad Black.
Posted by: Phil | September 03, 2007 at 09:11 PM
On the mount of cricfixion
Fountains opened deep and wide
Thorough the flood gates of God's mercy
Flowed a vast and graceious tide
Grace and love like mighty river
Flowed incessant from above
Heaven's peace and perfect justice
That is the LOVE God!!!
Posted by: Hagere | October 24, 2007 at 06:13 AM
Yes, Hagere, and he will come to judge the living and dead. Straight is the gate and narrow the path to salvation.
Posted by: Phil | October 24, 2007 at 08:39 AM
If we are belivers ( Born again) the bible says as he is ( Jesus) so are in this world" Yes... there will be a jugement at the end it is based on what we have done with JESUS. That the only sin it will be juged ( the sin of not beliving in Jesus) Remeber the sin problem has been dealt with by the death and resuraction of the lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Paid for all our sins past, present, future sins he died for them ( for our sins) . God has reconciled the world unto himself by the death and resuraction of his son. THAT IS THE LOVE OF GOD!!! Does that mean every body one born again? NO!
Posted by: Hagere | October 24, 2007 at 01:39 PM
I myself, Hagere, as you can read in My Confession, listed just under my bio in the right hand side bar, was Born Again, after becoming addicted to alcohol while serving as a prostitute for many years in a Think Tank that shall remain nameless. I found God in Sing Sing with the help of Chuck Colson. Now I preach repentence to America's Wealthiest Families as their Morals Tutor. Please join me, Hagere, in praying for our fellow sinner, Richard Mellon Scaife. He has not been washed, as far as I know, in the blood the lamb. By the way what were your sins before you got Born Again? Did you ever do time in the State Pen?
Clarify something for me. Now that I have been Born Again is it safe for me to go back to pimping, whoring, child abuse, drinking, financial fraud, lying, cursing, dancing naked in public, and the subornation of perjury? Once Saved Always Saved. I am banking on it, Brother.
Posted by: Phil | October 24, 2007 at 02:00 PM
If the person is truly Born again he/she deliberatley does not commit sin. Actually the love, mercy grace of God empowers us to live a holy life. YES! Once we are saved we are forever saved. The one that saved us (The lord Jesus christ) keeps us saved.
Christ is our Wisdom, Santification, Redemption. He is our all in all
Posted by: Hagere | October 24, 2007 at 05:56 PM
So, if a person gets saved, and they go on to commit major sins, does that mean they were not saved, or does it mean that they slid back into sin? Or are you saying that it must be some of kind of misunderstanding and that no matter what they did after being saved it could not be a sin? Are you saying that in your experience of all the thousands of people you know who got saved that not one has ever committed a sin after that? Or are you saying that whatever they did they are still ok with God, because that one afternoon they went answered the altar call? Sounds like a heck of deal to me. Seems so easy, really. A lot easier than being a decent person. A quick fix. I need to know because I work with so many high level sinners, really rich and powerful people for whom greed, vanity, ruthlessness, lust, adultery, swearing, drinking, gambling, cheating, and cruelty, let alone anger and dishonesty are daily ocurrences and habitual. I work with some people in high places who are saved. They authorize torture, for example, they lie constantly, even to themselves. How can that be, if they are saved? Are you saying that a person who commits these sins might claim to be saved but is not saved, or are you saying that no matter how many people they have tortured, innocent people, it is ok, because they were saved? I could give lots of other examples. Not just torture. I mean, I know these people and you would not even imagine what they get themselves into after being saved. If they get saved once, and fall into sin, does it help to get saved again, or is it a one shot deal, and if it doesn't stick, you are out of luck?
My sense, from my own experience, and working with other sinners, is that we all wish there was a quick one shot fix to vice and folly, but there isn't. We are fallen creatures given to sin. We have to constantly watch ourselves, and we endlessly slip. Some people get saved out of sinfulness. They get saved as a quick fix with no intention of being less greedy, or self righteous, or vain, or belligerent, or wicked. They just want to pass for saved so they can mess people more and get away with it. Is such a person really saved, or is their going through the motions of getting saved not in itself an enormous sin?
If this quick fix business really works I will recommend to to all my wicked clients. But based on experience I am pretty sure the saving does not "take" in all cases. Some of the biggest moral monsters I have ever worked with are saved, according to them. I just don't know how we verify that, even if they have a picture of them at the altar and everything. They looked damned to me, based on all the sins they commit from day to day. But I don't know. I don't know how anyone can know. It comes down to God having mercy on them. He might or might not.
Posted by: Phil | October 24, 2007 at 06:35 PM
The bible says in 1st John 5 my little children do not sin if any one sins we have an advocate with fatehr the lord Jesus Christ,
you know... Phill the Root cause of sin is condemintaion.
Condemintation keeps people in bondage of sin but... if they know that they are forgiven and loved people sin less or sin no more THE LOVE OF GOD EMPOWERS US TO LIVE A HOLY LIFE!
It is like a husband if the wife says to him Hony I love you no matter what you do, Does that husband want to commit adultry NO ! NO! NO! UNLESS HE IS SICK IN HIS HEAD
I know it is simple that is the Gospel The Gospel is very simple For further info I suggest you vist this link WWW.WatchCelebrate.TV
Posted by: Hagere | October 24, 2007 at 07:14 PM
Well, it sounds like it would work for some, but I suspect some people get saved just to game the system. I know I did.
Posted by: Phil | October 24, 2007 at 07:39 PM
I suppose if Conrad mentioned Hudson in his well, as his Lasting Legacy,
Phil, would that be Baron Black Of Crossharbour's wishing well, his living will, he and Bab's living well or is this a new form of designated beneficiary for mementos like the heirloom family well, the one that sources the fountain that spouts gold coins ? That would indeed be a legacy that lasts ...
Or will we all just wish him well wherever he seeks harbour, given that we are all fellow sinners ?
Posted by: JJ Commoner | October 24, 2007 at 11:51 PM
Many a poor sinner turns to Christ in prison and repents. Maybe when Conrad gets out of prison, he will put his fortune and talents to public-spirited use, perhaps even writing his Confessions, a la Rousseau. To simply and transparently tell what he knows about how the world, including the news business and Hudson Institute would be a great gift.
Posted by: Phil | October 25, 2007 at 08:28 AM
The Bible says for indeed Jewish ask for signs for Greeks ask for wisdom.
But, we preach christ crucified to Jewish stumbling block to gentailes foolishness.
But, to those who are the called ( Both Jewish and Greeks) CHRIST THE POWER OF GOD AND THE WISDOM OF GOD! JESUS front and centre he is our wisdom santification. all the treasure of wisdom, knowledge and intelligence are found in Jesus christ
freedom from sin is found IN CHRIST, not in human wisdom, and counseling sessions, Don't get me wrong I am not againist human wisdom and counsling I think they are great! But, christ is greater whatever we need in life wisdom, knowledge,health and strength etc... found in him
Colossians 2:1-3 Remeber the old hymn " Turn you eyes upon Jesus"
Posted by: Hagere | October 25, 2007 at 04:36 PM
I certainly agree, and there are side benefits too, Hagere. You don't have to learn science, math, logic or spelling. You don't have to know anything or do anything. You just keep citing Jesus and you are home free. Moral superiority on the cheap and quick too. That is why I got Born Again too. I had no other option when it came to lording it over others. I had no money, no good name, no knowledge, no ethics. But once I got Born Again I had an answer to every question and it was always the same answer, so I only needed to memorize that one thing. Plus getting saved took less than hour, I was back in the bar before the buzz of the blessing wore off. Now I can serve as a Morals Tutors to even highly educated Americans and rake in the big bucks. Some would say it is a Scam. But I say, "Christ is greater whatever we need in life wisdom, knowledge, health and strength etc... found in him Colossians 2:1-3 " Then after reading some random passage out of the Bible I ask for the check in the holy name of Jesus. I am finding, though, Hagere, that lots of times I still get kicked out on my hump. Have you found that too? I think I will stick with it, though. If I go back to Catholicism, I will have to confess my sins, repent, do penance, make restitution, and reform. That would be a hell of a lot worse than getting Saved and ignored. The question really comes down to cost benefit. It took me less than hour to get saved, and cost zero. What do I have to lose? So, it doesn't work, as a business proposition, or for my soul, what have I lost? Less than one hour of my time. And there have to some schnooks out there that will buy into my Morals Tutors scam. There is sucker born every minute and one born again every two minutes.
Posted by: Phil | October 25, 2007 at 08:19 PM
TTJF is a good cri de guerre for those who wish to model the wisdom of Christ. It's pithy. A real time saver for the busy Christian on the go.
Posted by: Monique Nescafé | October 25, 2007 at 08:55 PM
I have found it handy when converting the Jews.
Posted by: Phil | October 25, 2007 at 09:17 PM
You mean if I find I have converted to Jewishism in error, TTJF can get me back on the God foot in a hury?
Posted by: Cud Bollins | October 25, 2007 at 09:32 PM
You generally have to be born Jewish. If you converted you would know it. To get born again after converting to Judaism is not recommended. At least wait a few years for the soul to settle. If you were born again prior to converting to Judaism, I don't quite know what to say. I assume that "once saved still saved" continues to apply. You should be good to go in that case.
Does anyone know if Conrad Black is Saved? If not I hope he gets with Colson Prison Ministries once he is behind bars. Then when he gets out he can make a comeback whatever else he may have done. It is not a bad deal. As a good businessman Black should see the bottom line benefits. His friends at Hudson will understand. Getting Born Again may be primitive Christianity, but a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do to rehabilitate his reputation.
Posted by: Phil | October 25, 2007 at 09:55 PM
If you're born jewish, then get born again, but then later (say at 45) re-convert to Jewishism .. do you have to go through that bar mirzvah thing again? What happens to your reputation in such a case ?
Posted by: JJ Commoner | October 26, 2007 at 02:46 AM
Circumcision may also present problems if repeated, whereas Baptism is pretty safe.
Posted by: Phil | October 26, 2007 at 08:42 AM
Posted by: Hagere | October 26, 2007 at 10:25 AM
The point is Jesus, not charity. Jesus not love of our fellow man. Jesus not learning. Jesus not peace on earth. Jesus not wisdom. Jesus not humility. Jesus not self sacrifice. Jesus as a substitute for every one of the virtues he taught. I have been Born Again and have a total focus not on Jesus but on what he taught in the gospels of love. Actually, I was born again, but I am back to cruising the bars and the motels like a real preacher. Now that I am born again, once saved is always saved, so I can afford a few vices. I am home free.
Posted by: Phil | October 26, 2007 at 02:10 PM
PLEASE! understand salvation is a free gift by grace through faith from start to finish. Not of works weather from the start or the end. Not even maintaining salvation.
Who can maintain our salvation? it is all by God's grace.
Jude 24 Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling to make you stand in the presence of his glory blamless with great joy.
Jesus is the only way the only truth and the only life. SALVATION IS NOT A WORK OF MAN FOR GOD BUT, A WORK OF GOD FOR MAN.
If we can earn salvation by merit of lose salvation by demerit guess who is savior you are!
Who is able to keep you from stumbling?
Who is able to make you stand?
Who is able to bring you in to his presence blameless? IT IS JESUS,JESUS,JESUS!!!
Some note taken from from Jefery T's B
Posted by: Hagere | October 26, 2007 at 05:49 PM
I am counting on it, Brother. I were saved by works, I would have to give up lying, cheating, stealing, pimping and whoring. But as a Born Again Sinner I can do whatever I want, just like the preacher man at Oral Roberts University and his wife. Once saved always saved. They can't touch you once you been washed in the blood of the lamb. Best move I ever made. Thank you, Jesus! You and me got it good, Brother. Rapture's coming, when we nuke Iran, then the liberals will get what's coming to them, as Jesus returns to burn the planet to a cinder. I just wish Conrad Black, and Richard Mellon Scaife would embrace Jesus as their Savior so they would not have to die in their own vomit like the liberals in the End Times. Why you on my case, Hagere? We have to get Conrad and Richard Born Again. You and me are already Saved.
Posted by: Phil | October 26, 2007 at 06:04 PM
As a foundation professional, I was disappointed to learn that the Rapture is not some kind of exit strategy.
Posted by: Stuart | October 26, 2007 at 08:02 PM
Not for a liberal foundation, no. You are left behind.
Posted by: Phil | October 26, 2007 at 10:10 PM
By the way I am a female. Therfore I am a sister!
I would have to agree with The preacher @ Oral Roberts univeristy YES!!! ONCE WE're SAVED WE ARE FOREVER SAVED!!! it is him he keeps us saved untill the end ( Jude 24)
I am not in your case, we just blooging CORRECT!?
Posted by: Hagere | October 27, 2007 at 12:34 AM
Sister, my apologies. Yes, we are at best just blogging. I appreciate your holding fast to your faith. I guess, those who slide back into sin having been saved are still good Christians and will go to heaven, even if they rape children and kill them before their parent's eyes? No crime so dark that a once saved person is damned? Doesn't this tend to encourage bad behavior?
Posted by: Phil | October 27, 2007 at 09:06 AM
Edmund Morgan addressed this issue in Visible">">Visible Saints. It was a pressing problem for the Puritans. Only the saved could be full members of the church, but what were the marks of being truly saved?
Please let me know what you guys decide.
Posted by: Ambrose Lazare, Professor of Divinity Science | October 27, 2007 at 11:04 AM
Posted by: Hagere | October 27, 2007 at 11:23 AM
Posted by: Hagere | October 27, 2007 at 11:27 AM
I agree with Hagere. Saved people who rape, rape accidentally. On the other hand, "By their fruits ye shall know them," as Jesus said in Matthew 7:16. So that saved people who rape must have many hidden fruits that are delicious and that somehow outweigh the bad, accidental rape-fruits.
Posted by: Stuart Johnson | October 27, 2007 at 07:52 PM
The signs of election are: wealth, power, and impugnity.
Posted by: Phil | October 27, 2007 at 10:53 PM
By those standards Conrad Black seemed Saved, but then it all fell apart.
Posted by: Phil | October 27, 2007 at 10:53 PM
I don't think they are saved! I DON"T THINK SO!!! if they did the are exposed to legalisim teachings Do you know that the bible says... The law awakens the desire to sin. in other words the law arouses the sin nature in us... I wonder if some christians read the epistels ( The letter of Paul) THE GRACE MESSAGE IS THE ONLY REMEDY FOR SIN....
If christians are doing things they are not suppose be doing they are under the law. I summit to you christians sin more when they become belivers, because of the law that is way paul said... " when the commandement came sin revived I died" HOW DO YOU BERING THE REVIVAL OF SIN RE-INTRODUCE THE LAW.... GRACE IS ALL ABOUT JESUS.. THEREFORE, HE ( JESUS) IS THE ANSWER!!!
Posted by: Hagere | October 27, 2007 at 11:04 PM
I hope in jail that Conrad Black is locked in a cell for a long long time with a Bible believing Christian. It should be part of his sentence, for purposes of rehabilitation.
Posted by: Phil | October 27, 2007 at 11:15 PM
why don't we take our focus from Conrad Black and focus our attention on JESUS??? Is'it much easy ( BY FAR) to belive the best of every one???!!! INCLUDING CONRAD BLACK... I am Canadian by naturalization and Black is Canadian by birth. some Canadians would like to show Conrad Black THE GRACE AND MERCY OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST!
To a lost generation, hope has come
To a dying world life has come
To those in darkeness Illumination has come
Help has arrived. GOOD NEWS HERE!!!
Note taken from MA blog
Posted by: Hagere | October 28, 2007 at 12:22 AM
Is't the bible say... " The law awakens in us the desire to sin"? I am not suprised if some one who is saved did some crazy stuff. check what kind of teaching he/she has been exposed to, check if he/she is under the law or grace.
If he/she is under grace sin shall not have dominion over him/her
Posted by: Hagere | October 28, 2007 at 09:43 AM
OK, I think we have understood your position, Hagere. Thanks. May Conrad Black and all of us here, find forgiveness for our sins, repent, and sin no more.
Posted by: Phil | October 28, 2007 at 02:14 PM
Can one declare oneself saved? Like say if I went hiking and got lost in the woods, a great peace descended upon me as the fear became too much to bear, I walked to the highway that had been invisible to me, just 100 yards away.
I knew I would never be lost again no matter how strange the terrain. But saved? Is there more to it?
Posted by: Cud Bollins | October 28, 2007 at 02:15 PM
It is not only my postion it is also is the truth
We are the end time Benjamine generation ( Generation of grace)
Posted by: Hagere | October 29, 2007 at 06:04 AM
Hagere, at least you won't be Left Behind.
If one is not saved and thus not raptured, is there hope after the fact ? Can we birth ourselves again after the Rapture if we accept JESUS as our saviour once we jave been Left Behind ? Would we be OK then, or does his power not extend beyond the Rapture ?
Posted by: JJ Commoner | October 29, 2007 at 09:55 AM
After the raptor, JJ, I say we snatch us a big bottle of bilge and head on down to the nearest hospital. Will it be mostly janitors, nurses, doctors, administrators left, who knows? We will, I'm pretty sure.
So, anyways, the hospital. Once we're suitably lubed we could roll a couple of those stirruped exam tables together and give the rebirth thing a shot. Couldn't hurt, right? And we'll probably discover things about each other we'd up to that point missed. Stirrups might do that to a man.
Oh, I'm going to hell for this, I know. Although, when *I* talk to Jesus, he's laughing like hell. Some dumb joke about Buddha and Allah and a spinning set of masks always slays him. I don't get it, but I laugh like hell too. After all, he *is* Jesus, and he's got this devilish grin -- fierce!
Posted by: bUM fREE | October 30, 2007 at 11:08 AM
My close brother-in-Christ, Lord Conrad Black, whom I have spiritually bonded with since last Spring, has declared that I have come to be his closest (spiritual) confidant in Chicago. This compliment comes well after the dinner Conrad and I had with Chicago’s Cardinal Francis George, wherefore I am especially grateful and much honored to be able to share such a magnificent compliment.
My intentions are to share a special side of Conrad that most of the world has no idea exists. Aside from Conrad’s serious business maneuvering, Conrad is really a very compassionate, emotionally generous and spiritually connected person. Conrad has never intended to cause harm to anyone personally. Conrad never intended to violate laws. The jury in Chicago (my neighbors) decided that a majority of the criminal violations lodged against Conrad were unsubstantiated (petty). I pray that God forgives the jurors for mistakenly finding that Conrad supposedly committed a few of the violations. What can I say, they are not perfect. It is unfortunate that business leaders who become rich and along the way, cut costs in order to be effective in their pursuit of success, are often attacked by the ones (like the jurors), who are not perfect nor capable of understanding the multiple (very complex) facets of successfully directing an major corporation (in Conrad’s case several corporations). One must not lose focus of success by dwelling on the riches of the successful, one must dwell on the pursuit of ones own success, in order to establish their own riches.
Christ is protecting Conrad and the Holy Spirits blessings will forever remain with Conrad and all of his loved ones. I ask of the Holy Spirit, Christ, the Heavens above, please bless the United States Appeals System so my brother-in-Christ ultimately receives the (long overdue) just verdict that he most definitely deserves.
Thank you,
Joseph Fosco
Holy Name Cathedral Stewardship Committeeman
Posted by: Lord Black's brother-in-Christ, Joseph Fosco | November 06, 2007 at 10:08 PM
I have made a list of offenders from the Chicago-land area (same area, in which Conrad Black was indicted and convicted). These offenders are guilty of felonies. All have served their time and are now home. Be advised, most of the offenders have served less than half of the time that “arrogant” Conrad Black is facing.
As follows:
1) , attempted murder of a child (served 9-years).
2) , attempted murder of a child (served 8-years).
3) attempted murder of a child (served 9-years).
4) , attempted murder of a child (served 9-years).
Sadly, all of the offenders I have listed here, who are all now home, are convicted of additional crimes (sex-crimes); therefore, all are registered on the Illinois Sexual Predators Web Site. Please note; their sex-crimes are against children. The Illinois Sexual Predators and the Illinois Department of Corrections Web Sites are my sources for the purposes of making my list.
It is an outrage that white-collar defendants face equivalent (or longer) jail terms than child-killers (not to mention, white-collar cases, in large, are a wealth-redistribution mechanism; see Conrad Black’s recent comments in Men’s Vogue Magazine).
The offenders listed, like Conrad Black, are considered felons, the 38 offenders are widely thought of as “child killers,” and Conrad Black on the other hand, is widely thought of as “arrogant;” the one word that is most often used to describe Conrad Black. I suppose people are saying about Conrad Black,“such an arrogant person deserves more prison time than any of these 38 child-killers.” Wherefore, I have never been more conscience-stricken about being American than I am right now. Thankfully, Conrad Black and I have a religious bond.
Conrad Black’s brother-in-Christ, Joseph Fosco
Posted by: Lord Black's brother-in-Christ, Joseph Fosco | November 06, 2007 at 10:13 PM
Joseph - I'd be curious to know how Mr. Black's spiritual evolution has progressed since you posted the identical comment at on August 6, 2007? Is he getting more compassionate, generous, and spiritually connected as time goes by, or has he hit a plateau?
Posted by: Jeff | November 07, 2007 at 12:29 AM
Joseph, is there room on Conrad's team for another Morals Tutor? You can handle the religious side. I could bring the secular dimension from literature and Hellenistic Philosophy. My sense is that you are Catholic. Maybe between us and the Bishop we can get Conrad to confess his sins, repent, do penance, make restitution and reform. Have you seen in him any remorse?
Posted by: Phil | November 07, 2007 at 08:35 AM
Black is free on $21 million (£10 million) bail and, barred from returning to his native Canada, awaiting sentencing at his waterfront mansion in Palm Beach, Florida.
In e-mails to Men’s Vogue magazine published recently, he said that he had been reading “apposite passages from ecclesiastical authors, especially Cardinal Newman” and trying to spend an hour each day drinking a “good French white wine” on his terrace. link
He never metanoia he couldn't consume.
Posted by: matrullo | November 07, 2007 at 09:50 AM
Gloomy Grace Naomi Klein at it again:
Rapture Rescue 911 - Disaster Response For The Chosen
Gloomy One and Gloomy Two Fulminate (well, they are stern but nice, actually) on 1 Congress Critters Losing Their Plausible Deniability Re Torture AND 2 Rapture Rescue 911
(Both bonii on the streaming video link from the beginning, or on the MP3 download at appx 36:30 in, here.
Posted by: ohdarnit | November 07, 2007 at 11:56 AM
You can see how hard my job is. Trying to get wealthy people to repent after they have been tried and convicted is virtually impossible, leaving aside exceptional cases like Charles Colson who was born again in jail; getting them to repent during the normal values-based estate planning process is more difficult yet. Then you have flatterers who encourage the hardened sinners and confirm them as reprobates, hoping maybe to make a buck off the rich person, or to mind his assets while the convicted felon is in the slammer. We all too often get so caught up in serving these clients that we forget that our obligation is not to their money but to their immortal soul.
Posted by: Phil | November 07, 2007 at 12:16 PM
Dear Phil,
I have spent many occasions discussing things with Conrad, mostly spiritual discussions; however, his case has come up several times. Conrad Black relied on the exact same person as the United States of America relied upon, David Radler (the selected corporate officer whom resided in Chicago). Conrad relied upon Radler to lawfully control the Sun-Times, whereas, the United States of America relied upon Radler to shift blame and deliver a “big fish.” If there should be any kind of remorse, Radler would be the person who should be remorseful. On the other hand, should there be forgiveness, I would not be surprised if Conrad forgives Radler at some point; Conrad probably understands that Radler happened to fear the most powerful country in the world, therefore, deciding to join them in entrapping a “big fish.” Personally, the United States of America overzealously taking authority over the situation where Conrad moved boxes in Canada, which contained many items unrelated to their investigation, flabbergasts me.
Lord Black’s brother-in-Christ, Joseph Fosco
Posted by: Joseph Fosco | November 07, 2007 at 12:18 PM
Sometimes God sends misfortune to people, as he did to Job, in order to test them or to help them grow spiritually. Have you in your conversations seen any positive effect on Lord Black? Could these unhappy events actually all be working for God's greater purpose? What good might come from this misfortune that would provide an inspiring lesson for other apparently fortunate people who come to grief? God might be working in His own way to help Conrad Black help not only himself but others. By bearing his cross without complaining, Conrad could inspire many others who suffer misfortune, whether or not through their own fault.
Posted by: Phil | November 07, 2007 at 12:26 PM
Dear Phil,
I agree; God works in mysterious ways, although, right now, Conrad has to finish completing his mission in protecting his children and their security. I am certain that Conrad will make a meaningful effort to devise a valuable mechanism for others to benefit from.
Joseph Fosco
Posted by: Joseph Fosco | November 07, 2007 at 02:56 PM
Yeah, George Ryan isn't to contrite either. Still claims to be innocent. For low class defendants, that usually means they don't get parole any time soon.
Posted by: Gerry | November 07, 2007 at 05:29 PM
Is the financial security of his children an issue? Lord Black In 2004 his net worth was estimated at 175 million pounds. Is he now broke? The key legacy, though, has to be passing on his values along with his valuables, or better yet setting a good example. We are all reborn spiritually in brokenness and surrender. We come into the world naked, as you know, and we leave naked. In between we are all Dumpster Dwellers, no matter how we posture ourselves with worldly trappings. I am not sure if being born again is a viable option for Lord Black, if he is Catholic, but wisdom through suffering would be, or tragic recognition (anagoresis) would be. Oedipus was successful but blind. In recognizing the truth about himself he went from very successful and significant person to a self-blinded beggar. Yet he considered himself happy because he had been blind while sighted but became sighted, or wise, when blind. As his Moral Tutor, Joseph, you might give him the options above (redemption through suffering, getting born again, or tragic recognition) and have him pick the one that is best for him. I am not saying he really has to change, but any one of the above would be a better PR line than than the one you supplied about his being better than a child molester. While true, I am sure, your approach conjures up a lot of bad imagery and seems like blame-shifting. Any of the three approaches I am suggesting would be fine for prime time TV: Oprah would be particularly good. With Lord Black's media control, and with his friends at Hudson, we could get his reputation rehabilitated long before he is eligible for parole. I would be happy to lead this effort for 1-2% of his networth, and would be willing to share a finder's fee with you. We can cut the Bishop in as well, if you think it would help grease the skids.
Posted by: Phil | November 07, 2007 at 07:01 PM
Thanks, Gerry, blogged the link.
Posted by: Phil | November 07, 2007 at 07:34 PM
Where was the Bishop, or the Priest, or Lord Black's Brothers in Christ, or his Morals Tutor, as he worked himself into the mess he made? Why did you not speak out and help to save him from the temptations to which he was subjected? Wouldn't a true Brother in Christ have intervened, or staged an intervention? Would he thank you now if he had? Surely that would be better than coming around after the fact to defend him as better than a child murderer?
How do you assess your own performance as a spiritual advisor to the protagonist in this tragedy? What have you learned personally? And what changes are you making in your practice that you could share with others of us in the Brother in Christ or Morals Tutoring Business? Surely, we as a profession must shoulder some of the blame?
I realize that you may be an amateur, motivated as I am solely by civic friendship and a sense of public responsibility, but each time a rocket blows up with NASA, they ask, "What have we learned?" It seems to me that even as amateurs at Morals Tutoring, we owe it to ourselves and our profession, each time a case blows up like this, to do a postmortem, not to dwell on the negatives, but to extract a positive lesson that can guide us going forward.
What have we learned, as Morals Tutor's for the Lord Black fiasco? I hope he does not hold you personally responsible for the mess since you did not intervene while there was yet time. I know that is hard to do. But in retrospect, I wonder if you charge your conscience with not confronting Lord Black years ago, and giving him a chance to reform and repent. Yes, it would have been difficult and might have cost you your relationship with him, but it might have been the right thing to do, as a citizen, friend and Brother in Christ.
Posted by: Phil | November 07, 2007 at 07:40 PM
As we wait for hell to freeze over before Joe Fo would ever respond to these fine questions, a little blank filling:
__________: Making a meaningful effort to devise a valuable mechanism for others to benefit by since __________.
Posted by: Blank Filling | November 08, 2007 at 01:44 AM
Lord Black to donate prison earnings to a charity, maybe to Hudson?
Posted by: Phil | November 08, 2007 at 08:46 AM
Dear Phil,
You remind me of a very funny movie, “Ground Hog Day,” where every new day was the same day as yesterday. On the other hand, perhaps you are not a well man. My response to your “h-e-double-hockey-sticks freezing-over” related comments will be brief:
David Radler consciously committed crimes in Chicago, while Conrad Black was abroad. The chances of Conrad Black committing a crime are less than zero.
Have a nice day.
Lord Black’s brother-in-Christ, Joseph Fosco
Posted by: Lord Black's brother-in-Christ, Joseph Fosco | November 08, 2007 at 12:04 PM
what's a mountebank?
Posted by: archy | November 08, 2007 at 12:57 PM
Dear Phil,
I completely overlooked the “post” you made about sharing a finders fee with me. Thank you for sharing your genuinely generous nature with me. However, no thank you, you see, I am not in the business of making money in such a way. I am grateful to my family for their support of me. Therefore, I can tool around on other religious related matters and give a great deal of my time to God. Furthermore, I have never acted as a coordinator by introducing Conrad to anyone for the purposes of doing business (nor will I ever).
I wish to clarify my intentions behind my comparison with Conrad and child-killers. I am not comparing the crimes (or alleged crimes, in Conrad’s case); however, I am focusing on the prison sentences. If I wanted to make a list of who I think Conrad is better then; the 38 child killers I mention would be among the last on a list of over 500-million people. I have pointed out 38 of the worst offenders in the world, whom are from the Chicago are, where Radler committed crimes; my intension is to embarrass anyone that feels that Conrad deserves anywhere near the 30-years that prosecutors are seeking (which is double what child-killers have served).
Lord Black’s brother-in-Christ, Joseph Fosco
Posted by: Lord Black's brother-in-Christ | November 08, 2007 at 01:52 PM
With friends like Joe, who needs enemies.
Posted by: Gerry | November 08, 2007 at 01:57 PM
I do not take your meaning; nonetheless, you not need insult.
Posted by: Joseph Fosco | November 08, 2007 at 02:29 PM
Thank you, Joseph. Do you counsel other high profile people in religious matters? Like you, I only operate pro bono publico as a Morals Tutor. I was being satirical about accepting fees or giving finder's fees. In general I have found that moral advice, even if free, is not in high demand. I have said a Hail Mary for Conrad, and one for myself too. One for you too. I hope we can all live, learn and grow in the holy spirit. Do you think Lord Black might endow a trust or think tank that might employ Moral Counselors like you and me so we could amplify our ministry? You don't need the money, apparently, but if I got modest funding I could quit my day job and counsel wealthy people full time.
Posted by: Phil | November 08, 2007 at 03:04 PM
Dear Phil,
As much as I would like to help you with providing information about Conrad and my religious efforts in general, it is my policy not to betray any confidences of any kind. As to connecting with Conrad, I suggest that you write to Hollinger International, or, the Chicago Sun-Times, and ask if anyone there can help you.
Posted by: Joseph Fosco | November 08, 2007 at 03:19 PM
Phil already pointed out why it is bad PR to make the comparisons you do. It isn't in Conrad's best interest, so if you are his friend, you should shut your mouth before causing him additional public embarrassment.
The meaning is plain. It means what this stock phrase always means, only a slight irony that you do damage unwittingly where sometimes it refers to intentional harm done under feigned friendship.
Posted by: Gerry | November 08, 2007 at 03:33 PM
Dear Gerry,
I respect your advice. However, I believe that people will draw their own inferences of my comparison. If they are Black loyalists, they will share my perspective. If they are unreasonable and narrow-minded people, they will form their own perspective.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Posted by: Joseph Fosco | November 08, 2007 at 03:41 PM
Joseph, I really do appreciate your stopping by this blog and interacting with us, even though we are strangers to you, and the conversation can be rude at times. I would never contact Lord Black looking for work as a Morals Tutor, or expecting a subsidy. As you have probably discerned, I write in such a way as to impersonate, variously, a fool, knave, rogue, dunce, or dupe. The favorite persona I use here is that of an opportunist, a disreputable rogue, a reprobate worldly bunko artist, who claims to have been born again in order to fleece unwitting clients for his Morals Tutorial Business. The intent of masquerading as a Rogue is satirical, to make us all think a little more deeply about the roles we play in real life and the masks we wear, particularly in the presence of wealth and power. I was stunned to find that Conrad Black really does have a moral counselor. I am sure you are much better qualified than I would ever be in that role. I would only play the Fool.
Posted by: Phil | November 08, 2007 at 04:27 PM
Joe's a lot funner than he seems, believe you me! (tee-hee!)
Posted by: Scintilla | November 08, 2007 at 04:57 PM
Dear Phil,
How do you come to take me as a moral counselor to Lord Black; certainly, I have never claimed such a role. On second thought, please, do not answer my question. Thank you.
Joseph Fosco
Posted by: Joseph Fosco | November 08, 2007 at 05:10 PM
Well, you wrote in this thread as follows,
"Dear Phil,
I have spent many occasions discussing things with Conrad, mostly spiritual discussions..."
And you signed yourself "Lord Black's Brother in Christ."
You also wrote,
"My close brother-in-Christ, Lord Conrad Black, whom I have spiritually bonded with since last Spring, has declared that I have come to be his closest (spiritual) confidant in Chicago. This compliment comes well after the dinner Conrad and I had with Chicago’s Cardinal Francis George, wherefore I am especially grateful and much honored to be able to share such a magnificent compliment."
So, I did conclude that you were his spiritual confidante or advisor. He may have others outside Chicago, but in Chicago, I took it that you were the closest or among the closest spiritual confidantes that he has.
He probably gets moral advice from lots of people. Bill Bennett, maybe?
Posted by: Phil | November 08, 2007 at 05:40 PM
In your first comment you signed off as
Holy Name Cathedral Stewardship Committeeman. Is Lord Black a major donor to Holy Name Cathedral? In your role as spiritual confidant do you also solicit money from Lord Black for the church? Have you successfully soliticted from him a significant gift? Do you think he might yet give more? Have you considered a suggesting a sacrificial gift as penance?
Posted by: Phil | November 08, 2007 at 05:44 PM
Look what we have here:
Posted by: Someone | November 08, 2007 at 05:49 PM
Dear Phil,
Lord Black is free to give his money to whomever he wishes; and free to neglect whomever he wishes. Personally, I have not received a penny from Lord Black, nor am I pursuing such attempt. I find Lord Black to be extremely interesting, to say the least. Furthermore, I am honored to know him.
I commend you on causing me to open-up a bit.
Lord Black’s brother-in-Christ, Joseph Fosco
Posted by: Joseph Fosco | November 08, 2007 at 05:57 PM
And look what we have here:
Posted by: Someone | November 08, 2007 at 06:01 PM
Dear Phil,
You do not suppose Lord Black is my moral counselor, do you?
Lord Black’s brother-in-Christ, Joseph Fosco
Posted by: Lord Black's brother-in-Christ, Joseph Fosco | November 08, 2007 at 06:13 PM
You're in church with Connie and whisper, "Lord?" Who answers?
Posted by: Blank Filling | November 08, 2007 at 06:18 PM
That's too easy; Conrad.
Posted by: Joseph Fosco | November 08, 2007 at 06:21 PM
Let me hear your opinions on this movieZeitigist Have you heard about it?
The link is as follows ...
Posted by: Hagere | November 08, 2007 at 07:03 PM
Posted by: Avery Mann | November 08, 2007 at 08:22 PM
Joseph, I honestly like to think that in the game of morals counseling we must play both roles. We are always ourselves at risk, giving advice, receiving it. We risk our sense of who we are. We can enter such a conversation as a Pharisee and exit as a Christian, or vice versa. I would think conversing with Lord Black might be an eye-opener. Having seen the world through his eyes, a person living an ordinary life might well be changed, even dazzled. I would welcome that opportunity. It is a privilege to learn from the mighty ones, and teach whatever one can.
What is the Bishop's attitude? Is he deferential to Lord Black, or is he trying to reform him or what? Is he taking a Pastoral role, or more like cultivating an important personage? What can you make out from the body language? Which one is the Alpha?
Posted by: Phil | November 08, 2007 at 08:43 PM
Dear Phil,
Conrad, by far, is the alpha. However, the archbishop is highly intelligent as well.
Joseph Fosco
Posted by: Joseph Fosco | November 08, 2007 at 11:25 PM
Hagere, the question is what do you think about it. What parts, if any, do you find compelling, or is it all lies and distortions?
Posted by: Gerry | November 08, 2007 at 11:33 PM
To whom it may concern:
My overall feeling after watching it has left me to appreciate it as an artistic expression. I found some parts, i.e., the real-world history, interesting. The zodiac was also interesting, however, not compelling, wherefore, I will not elect to change my views of my religion. The 9-1-1/Bush administration and the war on terror was a bit too “Michael Moore” for me.
Joseph Fosco
Posted by: Joseph Fosco | November 09, 2007 at 12:25 AM