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June 13, 2007


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If you've ever rolled up a body in a carpet and thrown it in a dumpster, you already know and should not be surprised: dumpsters reverberate: Cone of Silence.

Power today is vested not in the ability to connect and become visible, but much rather in the ability to disconnect, to become invisible and thus untraceable, at will. This is the paradox: under conditions of complete media transparency, decision making retreats from the public sphere altogether. Agency today is located outside the domain of visibility.


I think this is why The Sopranos is popular - it's a very entertaining and colloquial metaphor for the death of the public sphere.


Not sure about media transparency, or the Sopranos, but the Cone of Silence seems promising. Good manners operate like that, don't you think?


Jane Austen was indeed the underrated genius of non-spectacular everydayness. The blogosphere should be grateful for the existence of a precedent that can be invoked without reference to the defacements of public properties by anonymous pamphleteers.


Sounds promising. I should branch out from teaching morals to America's Wealthiest Families to teaching manners or literature. Or maybe piano. Or the art of the duel?

JJ Commoner

I suspect they have all the manners, literature and music they feel they need.

Duels ? quaint when you've already got a handgun under the seat or in your purse.


A Ten Point Morals Checklist? You may need a Morals Tutor if .....?

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