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April 21, 2007


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Great post.

The thing is, many donors have the will but not the time to give well. Serving humanity is something they value and something they believe in, but it's not what they excel at or are skilled in or want to spend their time on. I think this is why their advisors end up with a lot of power.

Like the media, advisors don't just reflect their customers, they shape them. Starting the conversation with tax advantages and children's salaries can be a self-fulfilling prophecy; that doesn't mean it's serving the donor (or the world) well.

Mark Petersen

Phil - yes! This is exactly what happens.

In our case, it wasn't a financial advisor's idea, but my dad's own idea that birthed the creation of our foundation. Any benefit of doing this was not as self-centred as described above -- Acapulco sounds great, but hasn't happened for us! --it just came from a conviction that if he made the money, he and his descendants, not government, should have the ability to determine where it was directed.

Back then, in 1980, when this all happened, he didn't have a sense of what could result from having a foundation, the work it would involve. My parents made early grantmaking decisions around the kitchen table the week between Christmas and New Year's in order to meet their annual disbursement quota. Early decisions were not the most strategic.

But he was true to himself, and realized as time progressed that having a foundation means being proactive and intentional about finding the best ways to steward the wealth and disburse it where it would have the greatest effectiveness. We are moving more and more into engagement with our partners to effect life-giving and results-orientated change. I will be hiring an outsider soon (July 1st) to assist me in this work - he will bring the professional edge we require. We're learning as we move on ... and we are definitely not perfect. Lots of room for improvement.

But that said, I agree wholeheartedly with your comments. It is not always the best idea to begin a foundation. It's not for every family and it may not be the most effective way to produce change in society. In our case, I have inherited this, and am determined to give Canada the best bang for the buck we can give it.


Holden and Mark, thank you both. Feedback from donors to advisors in a public forum is very rare. Those donors or heirs who are little farther along could help the newer people with lessons learned. And advisors could learn a lot from following such a conversation. So, thank you both.

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