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January 20, 2007


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Daniel F. Bassill

It's too bad that leaders of neither party, nor their funders, grasp the fact when people connect with each other, using the internet as a tool, they can solve problems that government will never solve. When leaders act as intermediaries to bring such groups together on a more consistent basis, they will earn more respect as leaders.

When all of this happens more consistently, government will shrink and it will change, because people are reclaiming the responsibility for their own futures.

A dream? Maybe. The future? Hopefully.


I believe your dream is pretty widely shared at the grassroots, and transcends what we call "party affiliation." We can solve many of our own problems collectively at a local or grassroots level, but the convening would be facilitated by leadership from those who are able to pull together the right people from the various silos of giving, government, faith communities, and others. The internet helps as do face to face meetings. Seems the time is right.

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