Can citizens of good faith meet in a public setting without pundits, attack ads, and the Machiavellian mobilizers of hate, bigotry, and resentment to find our own solutions beyond partisanship? I asked my benefactor, Smoky Joe, Executive Director of Rooster Foundation, Crowing in the New American Century, and he blew a cloud of blue cigar smoke in my general direction and responded as follows:
God forbid, you imbecile! What you describe is the spectre of democracy now haunting this land. Elites rule by discord and division. Why have wedge issues if not to divide citizen against citizen while we walk off with the spoils? Hatred just doesn't happen by chance, Phil. It has to be constantly stirred up. Who do you think funds all those hate mongers and pundits and attack ad-meisters? You leave politics to the professionals. Stick with getting people to give big bucks to Rooster Foundation to Protect our American Way of Life and your own job.
Well, I don't see much in the whole concept of Transpartisan politics, but here are some links, if you are interested in bucking the powers that be. Me, I would rather find some kind of middle ground. A little hate is a good thing. We could probably use more, if you think about it, to balance out all the good will below and to achieve a happy medium.
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