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July 01, 2006


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Phil Anthropoid

I'd rather my words and deeds limn the Dumpster even as I drink filtered water and talk about the world I want. In other words, I'd rather be a well-fed hypocrite than a prophet who eats locusts.

I'd rather admit my genius to myself only when I'm drunk. This is the Way of the Cross.

I'd rather crawl naked over broken glass than shed my fondest illusions.


Well, maybe in your moral cowardice and hypocrisy you might fund a few braver than yourself?

Phil Anthropoid

Exactly, those who can, do; the rest of us fund. Problem is, it takes moral discernment to see vision and courage in another person. People with courage and character always appear sinister to the craven.


Seems that somewhere in the mix, though, there is an opportunity to connect innovative organizers with visionary or cussed funders. Soros spent what? $24 million on electoral politics, including move.on? Surely that was not the most innovative way to promote open society?

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