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March 31, 2006


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Albert Ruesga

As much as I feel for Phil Anthropoid, I can't really endorse his extreme views. He clearly doesn't understand what side his bread is buttered on, and I publish his views as the kind of gesture that borders on condescension but isn't really.

I plan to attend the Council on Foundations conference in Pittsburgh. I would stay and listen to Mr. Gingrich's glosses on America, but I need to leave the conference early in order to catch last week's episode of America's Next Top Model on my wide-screen TV. I find it's the little things that keep us centered, don't you?


My mistake. I find Philanthropoid an engaging character, but I agree he goes too far. I appreciate and emulate your more balanced approach. Teresa Heinz and Gingrich at COF is good. Shows that public service and philanthropy still walk hand in hand for the good of all.

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