Working in public to humanize the earth, one link at a time. Blogging philanthropy, or civil society, can get rather lonely, like bowling alone, but when we hear and respond to one another we create little ripples of hope and reciprocity. We also create for ourselves, little by little, an identity as a citizen separate from the roles we play on company time or in our families. Is that legal? Maybe we need a permit. Or a sign saying, "Free Citizenship Zone," within the barbed wire where the surveillance cameras swivel to protect us from ourselves. Blogging is the signal that to me says, "Not here. We are many and we are not so stupid and malleable as would appear from the shows you show us, the junk you sell us, and the lies you tell - the same strategic fictions we ourselves may be paid to fabricate in our day jobs as think tank thinkers, casters of news, pundits, speechwriters, marketers, PR mavens and respectable connivers. We know the game; some of us get paid well to play it, and we supplement it on the side with citizenship as per Constitution. Join us." One link at a time, each one a little gesture of recognition. "Forging an identity" - the story of my life, one way or another.