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February 06, 2006


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Jane King

Yes, it is galling!


Yes, he is a master at needling well-mannered foundation people. "Let them choke on their own rage" seems to be the strategy. Liberals are lousy at expressing anger. Thank heaven for The Happy Tutor who, liberal or not, delights in inflicting tutelage, welcome or not. Not all liberals in philanthropy are milquetoasts, but we do in general play to that stereoptype. Bill's rhetorical strategies, of superb insults, delivered with a polite smile, can only be met with an equally vigorous attack. Ask him about the public interest, and how Hudson serves it. Ask about their funding. Whose agenda do they serve and why? And how is Scooter Libby doing? We need to start playing some offense, even if it is offensive, or better yet, we need to delight in being constructively offensive as Bill demonstrates with such panache. Polemic, satire, burlesque, carnival: the modes of many and Mr. Schambra would take it in good part, I think. What will not work against a Phd-educated street fighter like Bill is a "reasoned and mild rebuttal" in the style of Dick Minim, and that mildness is all that Bill will get from his opponents, that and offended silence. The liberals will ostracize him but not answer him. Sad, sad, sad. I am rooting for Bill because at least the man comes to play. Only when the liberal foundation people get so angry that they lash out, and thereby make great fools of themselves, will they begin the long road to recovery that goes through the history of English satire.

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