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January 08, 2006


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P.I. Tchitchikoff

I could use that $10 myself, though that's more out of reflex than genuine need. But still. Here's an idea: I can help Smoky Joe learn a new trade. I have six vans all set up for house-call pet grooming. I'm getting ready to buy two more. One of them could be Smoky Joe's. Your $10 covers his training. I'll eat the rest of the cost out of the goodness of my heart. He could go from ass kissing to horse currying.


Poodle grooming out call service would suit him well. He can model the intended results as well as achieve them.

KK Commoner

My guess is that Anrahanoff lives and dies by the motto "strategic is as stratgic does".

KK Commoner

My guess is that Abrahamoff lives and dies by the motto "strategic is as strategic does".


Jack is the exception apparently, given how quickly his old allies are distancing themselves from him.

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