Awhile back I offered think tank thinkers $10 for the first person to respond to a post on Donor Intent. Martin Wooster of Capital Research Center emailed me to claim his bounty. His note, bought and paid for with one five dollar bill and five ones, is published here with his permission,
Dear Phil,
Has anyone else claimed the $10? I'm a freelance writer, and I need the money.
Martin Morse Wooster
P.S. Donor intent is and is not a liberal/conservative issue. The most egregious violator of donor intent is the Pew Charitable Trusts, where liberals have seized control from conservatives.
The second most egregious violator of donor intent is the Barnes Foundation, where black Republicans seized control of a foundation founded by a social democrat.I support donor intent for ALL donors, not just conservative ones.
As for writing for free--again, I make my living from writing and editing. I give away all sorts of things (i.e. my contributions on philanthropy email lists). But I try not to give away my livelihood.
I wonder how much an essay on generosity would set me back? I do appreciate Martin's good humored response to my satirical joking around. The Happpy Tutor, Dungeon Master to the Stars, makes his living spanking successful people in Wealth Bondage. He also gives away his livelihood, providing pro bono spankings of the wealthy and powerful. But Tutor is an exceptionally public spirited figure whose reward is a lifetime in a Dumpster. We ordinary mortals just get by as best we can, caging $10 here and there.