WASHINGTON - The National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP) today decries the exclusion of Abramoff-type abuse of foundations and nonprofits from the gamut of lobbying reform legislation being debated on Capitol Hill. "These legislative efforts ignore largely untraceable loopholes, which if neglected in this round of lobbying reform, would leave the charitable sector, Congress, and K Street ripe for more abuse and illegal behavior," said Rick Cohen, executive director of NCRP. "The Abramoff affair should be a clarion call to prevent politicians, their campaign staff, and their K Street cronies from cloaking dirty dealings behind charity and philanthropy," he continued. I just hope our generous Funder, Rooster Foundation, does not get caught up in the mess. If rich people need to influence the press, politicians, and regulatory bodies on their own behalf we have to leave them some ways to do it, or they will become very frustrated. And when Candidia is angry, she will retaliate. NCRP may feel her wrath. If Rick doesn't watch out, Candidia may sic Martin Wooster on him. We are probably better off just giving her whatever she wants, rather than making her jump through all these hoops. If she were allowed to corrupt politicians legally, we would not need a Jack Abramoff and his foundations to do it for her. That is my opinion, but then again, I am on the take at $10 a post. (Don't I wish. I can't get the first dime out of these tightwads.)