The Happy Tutor is all bent out of shape because I took a big grant from Candidia's Rooster Foundation. He thinks I sold out. I didn't even know he read gifthub, now he is telling me how to run it. Look, Tutor, I have seen how hard it is even for the best progressive organizations, like Changemakers, to raise a few dollars. You may be happy living in a Dumpster, but I prefer a four-bedroom three bath in a decent zip code. It is not like I have sold out for $250,000 a year plus benefits, staff and expenses. I will continue to write whatever I please about philanthropy without regard to Candidia's feelings. I don't really care what she thinks. - Pardon, I have to take this call, "Yes, Mistress Candidia, I am planning to attend the Philanthropy Roundtable as your new minion." OK. I am back. Butt out Tutor! Satirize someone who cares. I am no Tracy Gary. I have a right to a decent living. Why should I make less than David Horowitz? His views have matured and so have mine. At least I don't work in Wealth Bondage, like you do!