What goes around in giving comes around, via Wealth Bondage. Money doesn't buy everything. For certain things, such as a Presidential pardon, you have to trade. What have the poor to trade? Gratitude? Their subservience itself? Their willingness to remain invisible, even when present, in their red jackets serving the philanthropists drinks?
I discussed the culture of giving, as a giving circle, with Tracy Gary the other day. She said something has to change. The wealthy have to give it all away without thought of a return. I said that would never happen, humans are not that perfect. She said, "Why not, I did?" And Diogenes lived naked in a barrel for all the good it did. She and The Happy Tutor would make a good pair. She could inspire the donors. He would discipline the recalcitrant. Either way, I would bet on the reciprocity model. What goes around comes around. Good for good, or pain for pain. We are one society. Can the hand suffer and the head not feel it?