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December 28, 2005


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Invidio Pomorov, JD

I have a copy of the talking points. You can't just "have" them, however. You tax and spend liberals have to stop looking for handouts! Appeasement is not a policy! Enabling the slackers is morally bankrupt! My hard earned tax dollars homosexual agenda culture of failure culture of life privatize to maximize charter school terror tax cut terror and the only thing they understood is force!

The truth of that is self-evident, sir.


Invidio Pomorov


Thank you, Doctor. The talking points are widely available.

P.I. Tchitchikoff

So they are, more's the pity. The anti-rational has enormous appeal. There's an industry to support it. For example, it's okay for the state to lend significant support to exploitive and dishonest people, but not okay for it to balance that. People who are exploited should learn not to be exploited or to put themselves in circumstances where they're vulnerable. A think tanker might feel clever saying, "Note to selves: don't trust salespeople, don't trust yourself when they put new goodies in front of you", but he's not getting eight dollars an hour from his tax exempt sugar daddy. He's never had to go to work wearing dirty clothes or send children to school in clothes still damp from being washed in the sink.

phil cubeta

Every market clears at a price, for ideology included. The poor don't hire many lobbyists or fund many think tanks, or academic chairs. For that they have their elected representatives. But to get elected takes money, and so the game goes on.

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