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August 27, 2005


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Phil Anthropoid

Thanks for this post, Phil. I should tattoo it on my arm. I worship the Golden Calf in more ways than I’d like to admit. Even though many foundations fund “liberal” causes (e.g., giving food to hungry people), and many foundation staff members self-identify as “liberals” or “progressives,” most foundations, I believe, are deeply conservative institutions. This explains the masks of many who seek not to conserve but to re-create. Ripping the lid off so-called strategic philanthropy is a good program for bloggers. Read the mind-numbing platitudes in the “strategy” section of this publication from the Center for Effective Philanthropy, for example, and you’ll be tempted to storm the citadels rather than find a back channel for constructive criticism.


Decorum is a veil drawn between the polite reader and an unspeakable reality.

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