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August 20, 2005


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Jane King

The problem with giving is the getting ahead part.

Jane King

P.S. I have some suggestions for your ads if you are interested.


Jane, thanks. My choices are to include or not. I am averse to advertising supported media, and will probably get rid of the ads unless they serve some nonfincial purpose, if only by way of irony. If it were possible to highlight worthy causes in an automated way that would be great, but I don't know how to do it.


Where and when will said ads show up on the site?

phil cubeta

They are their now, on the right hand sidebar, at the bottom of the listings.


Ahh, I see now. A nice out of the way place, probably not what the advertisers would want, but they're not exactly paying for placement, are they?


Probably the better the placement, the higher my revenue. Long term, I would rather stand on a street corner and play a kazoo for tips than accept corporate ads, but I would like to see how they work, since they are getting to be such an easy and accepted thing to do in blogging.

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