The original hope behind Gifthub is still alive and I would welcome comments, if this note finds interested parties. Assume estate tax is repealed or greatly reduced. Imagine a world where the rich get vastly richer and pass their wealth on unhindered in a new (at best) aristocracy. Imagine government programs cut back, and chances for advancement for working people and poor people reduced except for those who have an aptitude for going along to get along with the ideology of those who have "made it." Imagine philanthropy as both the offset to such a world, and also its adornment or ornament.
I would like to imagine a "hub" where wealthy people of good will, advisors to wealth, and talented people from all walks of life can meet as in some ways equals - as citizens. We would meet to advance shared ideals, including the ideals of open society, pluralism, caritas, justice, and passionate disagreement within an atmosphere of mutual respect.
I believe there is a "business plan" or social venture plan that might support or undergird such a hub. Advisors want clients. Donors need advisors. All require education, tools, and processes that enable them to work together more effectively for shared ends. All today hide out talking mostly to others in the same professional or sociological silo. Major donors do not attend the conferences of professionals. Professionals are conspicuously uninvited to donor forums. Either group talks about the other in stereotypes. That is vastly dysfunctional for the givers, advisors, and the talented people who might volunteer.
With my friend and hero, Tracy Gary, I am mooting about ways we could make this hub come into being as a nonprofit enterprise or association. She has uptake from donor friends. I have some from advisors. If anyone has thoughts, I would welcome comments or emails. Beyond that, onwards!
By the way, I recognize the "liberal" slant of my remarks, and acknolwedge a rooting interest in progressive causes. But liberalism to me means risking my views in open contest with those to disagree. Therefore, the hub has, or should have, spokes into conservative, libertarian, and religious networks. The point of open society is precisely that it is inclusive. Someone like Lenore Ealy, for example, or Bill Schambra, or Amy Kass, who are associated with conservative viewpoints would be considered valued colleagues if their networks were enlisted. The point is not to agree on ideology but to second one another's practical efforts for a common good. I have known many compassionate conservatives, as well as many Evangelicals, whose passionate and self-sacrificing efforts for others set a high example. A true Gifthub would network the best together, and welcome the war of ideas, within a shared regard for one another and for those who are less fortunate.
I hope it comes into being ... it is sorely needed (especially if the vision of the first two or three sentences comes to pass), and would serve an exemplary purpose. The inclusiveness and types of discourse dialogue you seek to create are fundamental to the human enterprise, and their lack or absence will continue to accrue to the detriment of us all ... which is why such inititiatives are and will be so very important, if only to show that it can be done.
Posted by: JJ Commoner | July 03, 2005 at 09:18 AM
It is coming together but not necessarily under the name of gifthub. Soon you may hear of Inspired Legacy, Tracy's new initiative. With the right "mission partners" it could be a staging area for a hub bringing together the best elements of for profit and nonprofit, paid and volunteer, elements of "Giving for Democray."
Posted by: Philip Cubeta | July 03, 2005 at 01:13 PM
As far as I know, estate tax and the hope of avoiding tax have not proven to be #1, 2, or even #3 on the list of motivations for givers or even potential givers, so I am not sure that repealing estate tax will lead to the horrible future world you propose.
Still, I see the need for what you propose. I wholeheartedly support your vision; and I struggle to keep up with your strong open-mindedness and inclusiveness. I wish your gift-hub well in whatever forms it manifests in.
I hope to help the hybrid seeds of donors who are philanthropic adivisors as well as the advisors who are donors grow along with a strong contingent of donor-activists. Where we merge roles across silos, we begin to release new innovations. That hybrid garden is one I will nurture with all I have.
Posted by: Jean Russell | July 04, 2005 at 01:57 PM
I also have seen the studies showing that tax benefits are low on the list of reasons people give. However taxes are often the only reason the issue is raised by attorneys and financial advisors as they draw up plans and wills. I am afraid absent the tax motive, it will be up to donors to be more proactive seeking out advisors who "get it." The hub idea plays into that, as a resource and meeting ground, as you know, for both donors and their advisors - a meeting ground and higher ground than just taxes and finance.
A garden with hybrids is a wonderful metaphor, thank you. Yes, it is all about nurturing and cultivating our better selves for a better "garden." Hybrid advisors: as much concerned about the well being of the client as a moral and politico-social creature as with the growth of his or her networth. The agricultural metaphor recalls the classical thinkers like Aristotle and Pindar who addressed giving, virtue, the polis, and human excellence.
Posted by: Philip Cubeta | July 04, 2005 at 03:09 PM
As a conservative minority, it may sound crazy, but I have to agree with you 100%. I appreciate the view you are coming from. "We the people" have the ability to change the world, but as a society we get hung up on political stance, religious background, our education and family upbringing. Meaning, if we don't fit the category, we can't stand together to make a difference.
Again, thank you for sharing your views, vision and heart. You are on the right track. If we can be of service and help with this vision, let us know.
Posted by: Robert | August 16, 2005 at 01:19 AM
Thank you, Robert.
Posted by: Phil | August 16, 2005 at 08:55 PM
Neo-liberalization, which emphasizes individual freedom from restraint, free competition, the self-regulating market, has been accomplished at the expense of lower standards of living for workers, downsizing, outsourcing and mergers, changing technology, job dislocation, declining wages, and weakened labor unions.
Posted by: Carlos | December 06, 2005 at 01:26 AM
Also at the expense, perhaps, of political liberty and personal freedom, if freedom is more than consumption. The CEO of a global company says, "Look, I hate outsourcing jobs to China, but the cost is so much less, our competitors are doing it, I have no choice; my hands are tied." Freedom?
Posted by: Phil | December 06, 2005 at 08:32 AM