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June 26, 2005


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Song Choi

Was wondering if you would considering taking a look at Chipin.com. We don't use community boards like fundable, rather we focus on linking people's personal networks for the act of giving together. www.chipin.com


Blogged it, thanks. Are you users ever concerned about get a receipt when they join together to make charitable gifts? Have you thought of teaming up with a community foundation to make this possible? Or are the dollar amounts so small that this is a non-issue?

Song Choi

Although everyone gets a reciept for thier transaction we provide tracking for all past transactions for members, membership is free and only takes a few seconds. This way they can have access for their own personal filings and don't have to worry about finding an old email.

We have been thinking about partnering with a foundation in the future to provide reciepts from cause based ChipIns. There are a number of limitations with this direction and like you said the amounts may simply not add up.

But we are always open to new ideas! If our users tell us they want it, we will make it happen.


Song, this sounds really interesting and much needed. Thanks for letting us know about it.

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