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April 27, 2005


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Morris Penstemon

The Bible is two books neh?
Eye for an eye, turn the other cheek. You decide.
You get one phone call.


This is an example of secular approach but with similar undertones of doing good. A study from Michigan School of Business and a new book "The Fortune At the Bottom of the Pyramid" about improving lives of the poorest by treating them as as a '5 billion market of consumers'. Social Transformation is a good business it's still in a context of a Pyramid and Profits. Social Transformation in a context of Charity would look at what is in the works that creates the Poor. So instead of Eliminating it we look at Marketing to them. - I wonder if in this book they ask the Poor what obstacles and traps and barriers exist that makes them stuck in Poordom.


Yes, the poor are a good market. You can buy a pack of cigarettes, since you have the capital, and then sell on cigarette to each of twenty poor workers. 35% profit and everyone wins. Plus it is scalable. You can hire thousands of poor people to work for you selling the cigarettes, providing jobs and helping families.

I should work in a think tank. This kind of sophistry goes for $200,000 per year, minimum. What philanthropist from a tobacco fortune wants to fund me?

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