Latest push to repeal "the death tax," from the Washington Post. In an ideal world, in which the wealthy are wise and generous by nature, and their radius of sympathy broad enough to encompass their "neighbors" among the poor, this might be a boon to philanthropy. The tax payer liberated from a 30-50% tax at death might now voluntarily give or bequeath that money, after significant research, to those most in need, or where the dollars would have the greatest positive effect for humankind. The chances of that, however, are not high. Paris Hilton does not set much of a moral example. And even generous people most often give to private schools, museums, religious organizations, and hospitals that benefit them and their own family or social set. The wealthy whose lobbying succeeds in repealing this law, will move on to the next law or program in their own behalf, using the same propaganda techniques, the same think tanks, the same hired intellectuals, the same advertisers, and the same political pals to produce another repeal or enactment shifting the burden of sacrifice to those least able to bear it. Yet, who can blame the rich for sticking it to the poor when the poor are more than happy to cry, "Down with the Death Tax!" The gullible deserve what they get, don't you think? Who are we to patronize, or educate, losers when we can so easily propagandize and screw them?
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