From Open, a database that allows you to see who (by person or industry) funds what political candidate, Is this philanthropy? Well, no just "giving" or call it "social investing," or active citizenship. In return for what? Access, they would say. Which implies that for the rest of us, what? That we had better think strategically about how to influence the political landscape, if we are to revitalize our democracy. Just how much democracy can progressives afford? If we give enough can we bring to justice those who would turn the commons into a wealth bondage bordello, where all is for sale? (No offense meant to you, Candidia. As the generous funder of this site, I would no more insult you, than would your store bought politicians. Your gifts are much appreciated, and are a tribute to your generosity, wisdom, and public spiritedness. I can assure our readers that Candidia's money, which I desperately need, and without which I would starve in this dumpster, in no way affects my objectivity. I would shine her boots regardless, and be glad of the privilege. As a billionaire, Fortune has smiled upon her. God loves her. The market loves her. I love her. Join with me in service to our natural superior. Long may she reign.)