Via Lenore Ealy's TPE listserv a throught provoking, category defying article by scientist and novelist David Brin, on the coming age of amateurs. The left fears government surveillance and loss of civil liberties in a security state tightened down against terror. And the left fears the potentially authoritarian alliance of big business and compliant, but repressive, government. The right is still smarting from progressive "Great Society" programs that enforced liberal ideals through bureaucracy. Many in the South, speaking as one with 15 years in the Bible Belt, still resents the War of Northern Aggression, Carpet Baggers, and the hippies who marched south with civil rights to impose their vision of the good on those they considered to be Snopses. One interesting area for collaboration, across these divides, is the third sector, or citizen sector, intitiatives that rise from the grassroots up, and engage us as moral beings, and growup citizens, rather than cogs in someone else's machine, or merely consumers, or voters, or loyalists to a soundbite ideology. Not that we will agree, for visions of the good often differ, but that we can honor each other's efforts in the testing ground of an open society. Not non-partisan, but an honest and open partisanship that gains from the differences, and the tumult. Concordia discors, an old ideal. Good to see it being revived in the work of Lenore and those she has invited to her list.